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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2699

When Austin rushed out of the warship, he saw a middle-aged man in a black robe standing under the starry sky. His expression was calm and indifferent, and no one could tell his thoughts or what he was feeling. He had the perfect poker face.

The creepy aura which Austin had earlier sensed, was emanating from him.

"Are you Austin?"

the middle-aged man asked Austin casually.

"Yes I am. Who are you? May I know your name?"

Austin examined the middle-aged man from head to toe. However, he felt that something was blocking him and he couldn't get an impression of him.

"I am Devil Ancestor Thanos from the Evil Abyss World.

I understand that you have the Diabolic Killing Needle which is an important relic from my race.

I have also heard that you have got three precious holy trees in the Immortal End World. You might as well give them to me right now, if you don't want unnecessary bloodshed."

The Devil Ancestor Thanos spoke in a cold and detached tone of voice which made it clear to everyone that he was not fooling around or a guy to be defied.

He was used to everyone doing his bidding and never expected anyone to go against his will.

"You said you're Devil Ancestor Thanos, right?

That means that you are the chief of the Eighteenth Demonic World from the Evil Abyss World?"

Austin turned pale, and visibly gulped, trying to swallow down the saliva that was now stuck in his windpipe like a huge potato, yet his mouth felt as dry as a desert.

Austin had heard of the Devil Ancestor Thanos a long time ago. Legend had it that he was the most powerful and most feared being in the Evil Abyss World.

Eras ago, he successfully united the Evil Abyss World in a hostile takeover, controlled the whole universe and competed with the renowned leader of the Heavenly Palace.

Austin immediately guessed that he had come for the Diabolic Killing Needle.

The Diabolic Killing Needle was one of the treasures from the Evil Abyss World.

It seemed to attract the attention of all demons, weak or strong. They all wanted to possess it.

However, how could Austin hand over such a powerful weapon? It was one of his most prized possessions which also happened to be his most powerful treasure and he wasn't willing to part with it anytime soon.

"I don't know what you are talking about, sir. Besides, everything I own, I have earned and won fair and square, through my own sweat and strength. How can you expect me to just hand it over to you?"

Austin moved using his bodily movement skill and instantly activated a bust of speed. Like a streak of light smoke, he instantly retreated several hundred thousand miles back.

This was the fastest speed he had ever achieved so far.

Then, Austin activated his spatial power ready to escape through the chaotic void.

"Ha, ha! You are an ingenious young man, however, unfortunately your strategy is useless. In this universe, very few people can escape from me."

Devil Ancestor Thanos laughed scornfully.

Clunk! Clunk! Clunk!

Black heavy chains suddenly appeared, accompanied by numerous runes, which instantly wrapped themselves around Austin's body. They instantly formed a huge black magical cage enclosing Austin within the confines of the chains.

It was impossible for Austin to move a single bone in his body.

As soon as the magic cage appeared, it released a terrifying, powerful magic power, which suppressed Austin. Any time he tried to move, he would feel more pain than a normal human body could bear.

Austin suddenly bellowed with rage.

He exerted all his physical strength combined with his vital energy at the same time. Endless blood vitality and enormous golden vital energy like an ocean, rushed out of his body, making him look like the God of War.

Two pots flew out and landed on Austin's fists. They then darted towards the magic cage at lightning speed, blasting it.

Swish, swish, swish!

Energy contained in six thousand sword moves merged into one sword-light and gushed out of Austin towards the magic cage.

At the same time, the demonic avatar rushed into the magic cage, smashing it using the Diabolic Killing Needle.

Austin used all of his most powerful skills to try and escape and to save his life.

The essence and mystery of various kinds of martial arts skills all merged into his two fists.

"You strength and skills are not bad.

Your diligence also seems interesting!

Nevertheless, don't waste your time and energy.

If I raise a single hand, I can kill you instantly. Don't struggle for nothing."

With his hands clasped behind his back, Devil Ancestor Thanos strode over and stood next to the magic cage. He stared at Austin who was still stuck in the cage.

Both Austin and the demonic avatar had tried their best to break through the magic cage, but to no avail. It seemed to be made of some indestructible material

Austin knew very well that the Devil Ancestor Thanos was way stronger than himself, however, he still didn't give up.

He didn't even have a chance of escaping from him, not mention to fight back.

Devil Ancestor Thanos seemed to be stronger than the leader of the Heavenly Palace.


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