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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2700

"Who's there?"

Austin's spiritual soul and its copy were unified, giving him the ability to sense anything happening with it.

"Ha-ha! You have been captured by this demon, boy. You are doomed!"

the owner of the voice taunted.

"Who the hell are you? Are you conspiring with the demon?"

Austin clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Conspiring with the demon?

Are you kidding me? For the longest time, I have been battling this demon. His desire to destroy me is just as intense as mine. Our feelings of hatred towards each other is mutual. We are mortal enemies, but it isn't easy for any of us to win the battle.

Unexpectedly, he tipped the scales by eating plenty of creatures in his race to reinforce his strength in a short period. Cruel it may be, he immediately turned much more powerful than I am and finally defeated me.

Like you, my life is going to be ended by Thanos.

Boy, we are in the same boat."

The owner of the voice sounded melancholic, disheartened with how his enemy incapacitated him.

As he learned that this man had fought against Devil Ancestor Thanos and was unable to defeat him, it blew Austin's mind.

He knew that the strength of Devil Ancestor Thanos was indeed formidable.

'He must be an incredible cultivator if he has been fighting with Devil Ancestor Thanos for a long time!' Austin bowed his head as he immersed himself in his thoughts. His forehead was crumpled in contemplation.

Eventually, he asked, "Sir, since you are so powerful, do you have any idea how to escape?"

He expectantly waited for the voice to reply.

This could be Austin's last chance. It was natural for Austin to think that an influential figure like the owner of the voice was able to help him in the unfortunate situation.

Just like Devil Ancestors Bale and Javier, both of them had successfully escaped death by using their secret skills at the most critical moments. Real powerful ones always had their own way to surprise their enemies.

"At this rate, it's going to be very difficult. I merely exist as a cloud of spiritual soul energy now and I am hiding secretly inside the body of Devil Ancestor Thanos.

It's impossible for me to escape now.

Although, I have a plan that could also make him suffer. I could use the remnants of my energy and break into his Soul Sea and detonate myself in there. If I succeed, I will perish together with his spiritual soul.

Humph! He wants me to die? Then death, I shall give him! I'll never stop making him pay even until my last breath. With my death, he will go down with me as well!"

His anger came out faster than magma and just as destructive. He was obviously adamant to take down his nemesis.

"However, the chances of me succeeding are very slim," the voice sighed in frustration, "I can't make it unless there is a chance to make him distracted and confused. For this to take effect, I have to catch him off guard,"

the man mused.

'To make Devil Ancestor Thanos distracted for a while?'

Austin rubbed his chin, considering his options. Then, an idea flashed through his mind.

'Perhaps, with the power of Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor, I could make it, '

he pondered.

"Sir, I have a powerful trump card that may be able to make him distracted for a moment."

He looked determined, excited to announce that there might be a fighting chance against their common enemy.


Are you sure?

How do you view your chances of success?"

In that split second, the voice felt electrified with the possibility of successfully killing Devil Ancestor Thanos.

"I'm 70 percent confident that we'll make it,"

Austin answered after thinking for a while.

The Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor was one of the most powerful trump cards of Tombers from the Ghostdom, which had an innate suppressive effect on spiritual souls.

While it was true that their common rival was indeed very powerful, Austin was sure that the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor would attract even a person as strong as he was instantly.


Seventy percent is already a good chance for us to win.

Do it, boy.

And don't waste time. You can use your skill and catch his attention so that I can break into his Soul Sea and detonate myself. Then, as soon as we have him distracted, I will perish together with him."

The voice was overjoyed with the plan they came up with.

"But sir, you are going to die.

We could still find another way that will help us both make it out in one piece."

Austin's heart twisted and sunk as he realized that this plan might be useful, but it would cost the life of his newfound friend.

"You are a good person, boy.

You still care whether I live or die in this crucial moment.

However, this is the only way to kill him.

Even if we combine our strength, it would still be impossible for us to escape him," the voice persuaded.

As he noticed Austin hesitating, he added, "Boy, hurry up. You're only going to waste time if you're going to be reluctant.

Don't you remember that he ate your demonic avatar?

After I perish together with him, you could refine his body and make it yours. It would be much stronger than your original one."

The voice kept on coaxing him, eager to make this plan into fruition.


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