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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 270

Trying to dodge the combined attack of several inner disciples, Austin decided to use an old trick up his sleeve. He suddenly moved towards Merlin. Although facing Merlin directly was very risky because Austin had to take a hit of the Demonic Bone-chilling Claw, despite that it was a risk he was willing to take. Then, with one powerful punch, Austin broke Merlin's chest, blood mixed with visceral debris splattered out.


Then, the Violet Royal Sword struck and more than 30 sword-lights burst out like splashes in the water.

The sword-lights were created two kinds of attack and struck separately towards each disciple with a sword and another with a blade. Every sword-light attack contained so much vital energy force that it could severely damage its target with just one hit.

The disciple holding the sword had only grasped a very basic idea of the sword play. In the realm of kendo, he was already being overpowered by Austin. Austin only gazed at him for split second and immediately saw through the weakness of his sword play. His observation and comprehension skills were really amazing, like an eagle seeing through its prey.

It was obvious that Austin's sword-lights attacked the flaws in the sword play of the disciple.

And the disciple with the blade didn't fare much better either. His blade wielding might be more cunning but in the face of a dozen of sword-lights from Austin, he lost his tempo and could hardly keep up with Austin's attack, let alone unleash his blade wielding power.

The disciple with the sword suddenly bellowed out a blood-curdling scream. His throat was slit open, blood gushed out from the wound. It spewed out like droplets from a fountain. His eyes with a horrified shock stared at Austin in a ghostly manner. His sword-play was completely destroyed by Austin's attack.

And the disciple with the blade was hit by five or six sword-lights, one of which gave him a fatal chest wound. And blood dripped from the wound.

The two disciples fell to the ground like logs falling down after being sliced from its base, and died instantly.


Austin killed off the two more inner disciples with just one strike. Isaac consequently unleashed his special attack, the Sea God Fist, which hit Austin squarely on his back with a loud crack.

Suddenly, Austin felt a heavy wave hit him directly on his back.

'Ah, it hurts!'

Before he could even react, he was bombarded with multiple Sea God Fist attacks. He was like a punching bag being hit continuously with fists. Austin was forcefully pushed forward a dozen steps before he was able to stabilize and stand still.

The back of his clothes had been ripped apart and turned into ashes which scattered away into the air.

A clear mark of the fist was engraved into his flesh as if it was tattooed on his back.

However, despite of the mark, no further harm or damage was inflicted on Austin's body. He was overall perfectly fine.

'That was one fierce attack! It seemed like Isaac was the strongest one among the five inner disciples there.'

Austin suddenly realized.

Isaac was so focused in attacking Austin with a punch, like a predator intent in killing its prey. It was only after he ceased his attacks when he discovered that the other four inner disciples who came with him had all died and he was the only one left alive.

He couldn't help but feel frightened, his body began trembling with fear. He stared at Austin and what he saw was a killing machine.

"Austin, you emotionless monster... How dare you kill our disciples without remorse!"

Austin turned around slowly and suddenly laughed, "Ha ha ha! Yes I had to finish them off. What more can I say, I must kill anyone who wants to kill me! Or would you rather that I be a frightened little mouse and just let you kill me."


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