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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 271

Austin looked at the direction of the voice and muttered to himself.

"Alright, saves me the time and effort from going after him myself. Finally, let's get this over with already. I'm tired of being chased after."

However, Steward Su had been using his position as the Steward in Sun Sect to train a group of close disciples.

He must have brought an army of disciples with him, like a king going out into the battlefield with his personal guards.

In order to avoid facing a dozen enemies alone, Austin decided to let Violet help him out.

After all, Johnson had immersed himself at the medium stage of Earth Realm for more than ten years. His understanding in the realm was very solid and his combating strength was also more powerful than most of those at medium stage of Earth Realm. He might be at par with some warriors at the premium stage of Earth Realm.

Austin wanted to prepare thoroughly for such a battle. Better safe than sorry.

So he communicated with Violet through his mind.

A beautiful and bewitching woman emerged from a green fog. It was Violet.

Hmm? 'Violet, how come your demonic power seems to be stronger than before?'

Austin's spiritual sense was so strong that he recognized Violet's increase in power instantly.

Violet, covering her mouth with her hand, chuckled, "Yes master, my current cultivation base is already very close to the medium stage of Earth Realm in the human territory.

As I explained to you last time, the powerful crystal is a great supplement for my breakthrough during cultivation. It's like the perfect energy booster.

All this time, I have been using the powerful crystal to practice and my progress has been surprisingly several times faster than before.

Soon, I will breakthrough and my cultivation base will rise to a higher level. Isn't this exciting?"

Violet was very happy because diabolic beasts have a much tougher time than human beings in getting breakthroughs in their cultivation. Many diabolic beasts, although naturally strong, couldn't rise up in their cultivation through practice like human beings do. This is one aspect which separates man from beast.

Naturally, Violet was ecstatic that she had made so much progress in her own cultivation base.

"So master, please try feeling my spiritual sense now! You will definitely be surprised."

Violet cheerfully said. Her spiritual sense sprang forth from her mind.

This fluctuation of spiritual sense couldn't be perceived by ordinary people. Only a warrior who also possessed the power of spiritual sense could detect it.

Austin was indeed surprised by what he just felt. It was truly amazing and unheard-of.

"Wow! Violet, your spiritual sense is indeed much stronger. It's actually almost as strong as mine."

Austin was momentarily stunned. It seemed that the powerful crystal was indeed a great supplement for the cultivation of spiritual sense.

Violet had only been using the powerful crystal for just a few days for practice and unexpectedly made so much progress in both demon power cultivation base and spiritual sense. It was as if she had been practicing for years.

Of course, this did not rule out the long-term accumulation of cultivation, but there was no doubt just how effective the powerful crystal was on the role of progress in the cultivation base. It was truly like an out of this world energy booster.

"Master, do you now believe that this powerful crystal has a great effect on the practice of spiritual sense?

With Master's current talent and cultivation base of spiritual sense, using the powerful crystal for practice, your cultivation base of spiritual sense will definitely improve dramatically," Violet said to Austin enthusiastically.


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