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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2829

After a while, the energy cloud and the fog dissipated; the sky and the earth could once again be seen clearly.


A scream sounded and a figure flew away.

It was the leader of the Star Island. His entire torso below the chest had completely disappeared now, leaving only his shoulders and head. Below that, there was nothing but charred ash!

At that moment, a dead silence fell around the entire scene.

All eyes were fixed on Austin.

The man defeated two of the most powerful martial artists in just a few moves.

And the more dangerous thing was that he seemed totally calm. In fact, his moves seemed to have been made at leisure!

"Huh! I already told you it'd be best if you all fought together.

Don't waste my time."

With a playful look on his face, Austin floated in the sky, his hands clasped behind his back, and a grin in his eyes. An aura full of Taoism charm was spread around him and it now began to expand slowly.

Though he seemed calm, Austin was rather excited.

This was the first time he had been able to test the power of the Divine Polarity Swords, and the result of his experiment had been so exciting that he was completely satisfied with them.

In the Sword World.

"I can't believe it. This boy is so talented. In just a few days, he has managed to completely understand and learn the Polarity Law. Also, he has refined the two unsharpened swords into highly powerful weapons.

I don't think I've ever come across such a talented guy. Not just here, I don't think I've seen such a talented guy even in all the universes.

Is it possible that this guy is a descendant of the gods?"

In the innermost part of the void in the Sword World, an old man with a long white beard and flowing white hair was sitting with his legs crossed in a pool. However, this wasn't a pool of water. Instead, it was dazzling with the brilliant resplendent glow of immortals.

The old man looked up at the sky outside the Sword World. It looked like he could see above and beyond since he seemed shocked at how Austin had defeated the leader of the Yaksha Palace and the leader of the Star Island.

Meanwhile, outside the gate of the Yaksha Palace, the army of the Immortal End Alliance had already arrived and was now standing in line behind Austin.

Far away from them, the leader of the Yaksha Palace and the leader of the Star Island had taken several healing tonics, potions and whatnot and had managed to regain their bodies.

This was because if a cultivator was at such a high level as these masters, he or she could remake their bodies as long as their souls were intact.

However, they were still very weak due to the fight and the toll this recovery had taken.

Furthermore, the heavy blow a few moments ago had caused them to lose too much of their original blood essence.

Both the leader of the Yaksha Palace and the leader of the Star Island were now staring at Austin with resentful and fearful looks.

They hated the man so much but could do nothing.

Austin was powerful enough to defeat all of them now.

This was a world of warriors, and strength was more powerful than currency and treasure.

Austin was more powerful than them and they could do nothing to defeat him, nor could they get their revenge. In fact, a part of them didn't even want to revenge.

Even the leader of the Heavenly Palace and other top masters of the universe were extremely shocked by what had just happened.

Every time Austin had taken part in a fight, they had the feeling that they had underestimated him before. Austin grew too fast and out of their imagination!

"Austin, you're awesome!"

"Leader Austin, I can safely say that you are the strongest cultivator in the entire universe!"

Behind Austin, all the members of the Immortal End Alliance, including the Eight Stone Saints, were exclaiming and cheering loudly.

Collectively, they were making so much noise that it was resounding in the sky of the world.

Every warrior in the Yaksha Palace was reluctant to accept the fact that they were totally helpless now.

In the past, the star cluster where the Yaksha Palace was located, had been a forbidden area of the universe.

Outsiders were not supposed to do anything that was against the rules of the Yaksha Palace when they were here.

But now, a foreign army was standing right in front of the gate of the Yaksha Palace, and making so much noise. That too was in favor of their opponent.

'Does it mean that the Yaksha Palace is going down?'

Many people of the Yaksha Palace were feeling bitter and depressed about it.

"Only if we fight together, can we possibly defeat this brat!"


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