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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2830

Austin knew that the top masters of the Immortal End Alliance possessed great power and could be likened to the strength of sect ancestors.

However, if they were to be compared to the top masters of the Heavenly Palace, they would still be inferior that a head-on battle would result in a total defeat for the alliance.

After sending away the whole army of the Immortal End Alliance, Austin raised his head and looked ahead to the battlefield. His fighting spirit blazed through his eyes and he was ready to take on all of the enemies at once.

In the face of several top masters of the universe ganging up on him, Austin showed no fear. In fact, he couldn't be more thrilled to start battling them because he wanted to know the limits of his abilities.

With an air-splitting sound, the demonic avatar of Austin appeared beside him. It was holding the Diabolic Killing Needle in its hand and was ready for action at any time.

Currently, the demonic avatar had already finished the cultivation of the World Sealing Tabooed Magic at the tenth level—the highest level that could be attained.

The World Sealing Tabooed Magic was by far the greatest sealing magic skill in the universe and it had infinite power.

The demonic avatar waved its diabolic hand and released countless black runes. They gathered in the space like a dark storm and spread out all over the sky.

Wherever these black runes went, the space was sealed and instantly frozen.


The demonic avatar swiftly moved forward just ahead of Austin. It was as though it was saying it wanted to go ahead and take care of the enemies in sight.

Austin's new demonic avatar was refined from the corpse of the notorious Devil Ancestor Thanos himself! The devil had been traveled around much advanced universes until he got injured and came back to this universe where his homeland was. The demonic avatar had at least 70 percent of Devil Ancestor Thanos' strength when he was alive, and even when after making the corpse into his new avatar, Austin kept this devil cultivating nonstop. In terms of strength, its current combat effectiveness could absolutely be regarded as equally strong as any one of the top masters in this universe, if not the best one. To fight alongside Austin, it would really be a huge boost to their forces.

"All right, let's do this!"

Austin's blazing eyes were set to kill. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the Weapon Pagoda emerged and suspended in the sky. It was radiating with terrifying power. Countless secret weapons shot out in all directions like violent winds lashing out on a storm.

Austin obtained a wisp from his spiritual avatar to control the pagoda. After that, he released it and ordered to fight against the enemies with all its might. With the pagoda under the control of the wisp, Austin was able to focus on battling the other enemies waiting for him.

As he was preparing to strike, Austin pulled out his genuine immortal level long sword. Streams of fierce sword-light wrapped its blade.

The Divine Polarity Swords were also released and were floating above Austin.

Then Austin activated the skill of Omnipotent Lightness and dashed out to the swords.

Swoosh! Pang!

The two swords suddenly transformed into the obscure and the bright fish and began swimming on the opposite sides.

Afterward, a huge black and white sphere appeared between heaven and earth.


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