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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2916

"You've gone too far!" the leader of the underworld thundered, his eyes filled with rabid murderous will.

His roar echoed throughout the continent and sent the dark clouds rolling.

Horrifying visions that showed heaps of dead bodies flashed above the continent with rotten corpses suspending in the air and emitting foul smelling corpse miasma, casting a spine-chilling darkness as it blocked out the sun.

In the next moment, the relatively weak and helpless creatures on the continent couldn't help but kneel down, trembling in fear.

They were appalled at the sudden development of events, unprepared for the decimation that they had just witnessed. Never in their wildest imaginations did it occur to them, that something like this would happen.

'The Divine Realm masters are indeed invincible. Their anger can easily crush countless creatures.'

With half of his body injured and bleeding, Prince Pierre was terrified, but more than that, he was raging with fury. "Master, this human brat killed my guards and took my carriage from me. He has committed the most heinous crime! I demand revenge. Execute him now and end his miserable life!"

he shouted at the sky.

Being chosen as one of the candidates to lead the underworld someday, he had always lived a well revered and comfortable life, treated with the utmost respect. He had never been treated like this.

"You stupid human boy and you shitty pot, release him right now! You have chosen the wrong side of fate. Are you sure that you want to be my enemy?"

the leader of the underworld said in a displeased tone after he suppressed his anger.

"What are you talking about? We're already enemies! You must be dreaming right now!"

Austin couldn't help but sneer.

"The nine princes of your damned underworld have participated in the hunt, many times. Each of them have slaughtered hundreds of millions of creatures in countless worlds.

Today, justice will be served. I shall avenge the innocent creatures who have died in your hands,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot also scoffed at Prince Pierre with a vicious grin.

Since it had been around for quite a long time, the pot knew how many horrible things the members of the underworld had done. So it felt no remorse nor hesitation, taking down its members.

Not wanting to waste any more time with useless chitchat, it gathered its strength and shattered the rest of Prince Pierre's body.

Prince Pierre died on the spot, and for good. His soul was immediately destroyed and thus he had no chance of resurrection.

At the sight of this, the leader of the underworld threw his head back and roared furiously.

"You have committed unforgivable crimes against our underworld. Both of you must pay for what you've done.

Prepare yourselves for I shall send you to your miserable maker!"

he bellowed.

There were nine candidates in succession for the next leader of the underworld. Ervin had already been murdered by Austin, and Pierre had just died at the hands of the Heavenly Majestic Pot.

It was a significant damage to the reputation of the underworld!

All of a sudden, hundreds of millions of corpses gathered above the continent. By some powerful force, they transformed into a giant skull. It moved rapidly and opened its mouth. It came down and tried to devour Austin and the Heavenly Majestic Pot that were standing in the passage.

But before it could even reach the passage, numerous mysterious runes came out from the ancient city located in the passage.

The runes flew out and overwhelmed the giant skull. There were so many runes, that they had almost completely covered the skull.

As a result, the skull couldn't move further, not to mention reach its targets, Austin and the Heavenly Majestic Pot.

"Humph! Heavenly Majestic Pot, you were our magic treasure, but you turned your back on us and colluded with this bastard. Don't you feel any shame or guilt towards your master?"

The voice of the Divine Sect leader coldly rang out above the entire continent.

"Seriously? You are bringing my old master into this? How could you even mention his name? Shame on you!

Let me ask you a question. Back then, my old master was ambushed and fought his mysterious enemies. He called for back-up more than once. Why didn't you send your men to rescue him?

He waited for help that never came. Eventually, he ran out of energy and got killed.

I have long suspected that you were the one behind that despicable set up!"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot roared at the leader of the Divine Sect excitedly.

"Stop talking nonsense. How dare you frame your superior?

From now on, we will hunt you down at all costs, you shameless traitor!"

the leader of the Divine Sect said icily.

"Austin, get me some people from the Divine Sect! We will end this today!"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot shouted.

Austin quickly took action and teleported a dozen disciples of the Divine Sect out of the Slave Tower.

They were all the outstanding talents, hand-picked from the younger generation of the Divine Sect. The sect had heavily invested in them.

Moreover, the leader of the Divine Sect thought highly of them, and even considered them as core disciples.

The Heavenly Majestic Pot knew the Divine Sect all too well, so it had captured these people whom the leader of the Divine Sect had held dear.

"You pathetic old bastard, watch me. I will find out the truth and avenge my old master.

If I find that you are behind any of those, I will make sure to terminate you even if it cost me my life!"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot said through gritted teeth.

It was apparent in its voice that it was flawlessly and unconditionally loyal to its old master.

It had been so many years since its old master had been killed in battle, but the painful memory was still fresh and no amount of consoling could ease its suffering from the loss. No amount of dead members of the Divine Sect could compensate for the tragedy of his death. No. It had to be the death of the Divine Sect leader himself.


Sounds of distress resounded.


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