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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2917

"I cannot believe this guy! How dare he ask a powerful being at the Divine Realm for three drops of the Divine Liquid! He's so full of himself!"

All the creatures on the land were shocked by Austin's impossible request.

The Divine Liquid was a precious treasure that each drop was priceless, let alone three.

"How greedy he was!" everyone said.

"You ravenous mutt. I don't have three drops of the Divine Liquid. Even if I did, I certainly won't hand it to you,"

the leader of the Space Sect said angrily.

"Really? So there's no room for negotiation? Well, I guess your grandson is not worth the three drops of the Divine Liquid. Forget it, then.

This guy is of no use to me now. In that case, I'll just kill him."

Austin sneered as he raised the Space Sect's leader's grandson.

"Grandpa, help! Please!

You bastard! My grandfather is the leader of the Space Sect. If you kill me, he will kill you, your whole family, and all your friends. Let me go if you want them spared!"

the leader's grandson threatened.

Austin snickered at his captive's threat. Then, he attacked from a great momentum.


Half of the Space Sect's leader's grandson's body was exploded to pieces, and his flesh and blood savagely splashed all over the ground.

"Oh my god!

Ahhh! Grandpa, it hurts! Please hurry!"

He screamed at the top of his lungs. The leader's grandson was terror-stricken.

All the creatures on the land were stunned. The grandson's cry had curdled their blood.

In the eyes of all the living beings in almost all universes, warriors at the Divine Realm had always been superior beings. Their power was ultimately tremendous, and they were untouchable like gods.

Only this time, a human was able to offend masters of the Divine Realm in front of everyone over and over again. He seemed as if he did not know who he was dealing with, and yet he managed to humiliate the supreme beings successfully.

Outside the edge of the Purple Cosmos, the leader of the Space Sect was trembling with anger. He desired nothing but to put Austin and the Heavenly Majestic Pot to death and pulverize their souls!

However, he knew that he could do nothing as long as Austin and the Heavenly Majestic Pot stayed in the passage.

"You little rascal. You ask for too much.

How about I give you one drop of the Divine Liquid, and then you release the people from our Space Sect?"

The leader of the Space Sect was forced to suppress his anger and to discuss a settlement with Austin.

"You know what? Let's both take a step back. Two drops. That is my final offer.

Otherwise, your grandson is dead meat!"

Austin bargained back.


The Space Sect's leader was raging with fury.


At the edge of the Purple Cosmos in the endless chaotic void, the Space Sect's leader's body, which was over a hundred thousand feet, blazed with wrath. The space exploded violently and formed vast vacuums that sucked anything that came in its way.

"Boy, you are so cold-blooded. The old man of the Space Sect is about to blow the whole universe up because of you,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot told Austin with a sly grin on its face using its spiritual sense.

"Fine. I accept your conditions."

The leader of the Space Sect took a deep breath as he finally agreed with Austin.

"You have got yourself a deal,"

Austin declared crisply.

"Hand me the Divine Liquid first, and then I'll let him go,"

he demanded.

Austin did not care to offend a powerful warrior of the Divine Realm as long as he made sure that everything went according to his plan.


The leader of the Space Sect gritted his teeth as he tried to control his anger.

"Are you sure you are willing to grant his unreasonable request?"

The other three powerful warriors at the Divine Realm looked at the leader of the Space Sect.

"Do you expect me to watch my grandson die at the hands of a mere human?

What choice do I have? If only they were not in the passage..."

the leader of the Space Sect said sullenly.

Then, he waved his hand, and two drops of the Divine Liquid flew out into the Purple Cosmos.

In the Purple Cosmos where the dark passage was located, two glittering drops of the Divine Liquid fell from the sky and floated in front of Austin.


It's the Divine Liquid!

Ha-ha! That is truly amazing!"


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