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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2958

Austin, along with everyone else, was teleported away and they all disappeared in an instant.

"Damn it! What the hell just happened?

It seems like those little thieves have completed their trials and have left our universe just like that!"

Some monsters from a distance yelled in disgust.

"Damn them! Damn them all! Those fucking cultivators! Curse them all to hell! Aaaargh!"

the monster patriarch roared, in a state of madness and helplessness. How was he going to fight them if they had all escaped?

"Sir, you're going to want to hear this! Something just happened at the stone altar in our ancestral grave. It seems like we have made a connection with our mother land!"

Upon hearing the news, a dozen huge monsters flew over from the starry sky in the distance, shouting and panting heavily with excitement.

"That is indeed good news. We have really connected with the mother land!

What are we waiting for? Let's go and have a look!"

The monster patriarch, who was about to explode with untold fury, calmed down in an instant. His wrath was immediately replaced with delight. Giving a signal to his subordinates, he led them to the direction of the altar. Anticipation was written on his face. His race had waited ages for this moment.

"It finally happened! I can't believe it! Ha-ha! Several eras have passed and the altar has finally reacted to our prayers."

The monster patriarch rushed to the altar in the ancestral grave without delay. Even from a distance, he could already see a bright glow all over the entire altar. Streams of violent space-time power was flowing down from it like flooding water. It was breathtaking.

"God bless us! It looks like our prayers have been heard and our sacrifices have not gone to waste. Our efforts over the past eras have finally brought results!

Get down on your knees, all of you! Launch out the sound of our souls to our mother land! Deliver our messages to our kinsmen!"

The monster patriarch was extremely thrilled. He turned around and roared at his subordinates. He then prostrated before the altar as the chief ruler of the race.

All around the ancestral grave, in all directions as far as the eye could see, tens of millions of monsters knelt down before the altar. Even with their disgusting appearance as monsters, they all wore an expression of sincerity, humility and vulnerability.

Silence dominated the whole place and not a single movement could be noticed.

Then all of a sudden, a wild roar filled the whole space. "Raaaaaaaaargh!"

The monster patriarch raised his head to let out a long roar, which was so powerful that the ground trembled. The nearby mountains and even the sky above shook with the blaring sound of his roar that had the force of a terrible tsunami.

In support of their leader, all the tens of millions of monsters that surrounded the ancestral grave roared with all their might as well.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!" "Roooooooaaaaaar!"


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