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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2959

Subsequently, dozens of shining magic treasures landed on the altar with the god's direction.

"Now that I have supplied you with the additional tools and power that you need, I have to bid my goodbye. The gods in the positive world have left a portion of their spiritual sense energy in this universe. They seem to have found me and are ready to launch an attack on me. I must go now."

Then the Great Savage God bade goodbye to the monsters who kept kneeling before him.

"Hah! We finally found you, you evil thing from the negative world! How dare you enter the positive world! Go back to the damned hell where you belong!"

Just at that moment, a gigantic mighty hand rapidly came down from out of nowhere in the void, aiming at the image of the god, hovering on top of the stone altar.

The hand was so enormous that it filled the open space between sky and earth completely. It ceaselessly exuded tremendous divine light that overpowered the light emitted by the Savage God.

"Ha-ha! Do what you think you can on it. It's just a strand of my spiritual sense. It won't do any harm to me even if it is destroyed completely."

Instead of fighting back, the image of the god on the altar just let out a fit of wild laughter. It did not even move from its place on the altar. It was then grabbed by the hand from the heavens and was crushed into pieces.

Then just as fast as it came, the huge hand disappeared without a trace. The millions of monsters that witnessed the whole thing were left dumbfounded. Everything happened so quickly. They realized they were still on their knees.

In the ancestral grave of the monsters...

"This is great! The God of Chaos is about to wake up and soon he will come to this world and be with us again!

We will soon be celebrating!"

the monster patriarch laughed wildly.

"Everybody, the Great Savage God just taught us a few sets of powerful combat skills. He has also imparted a large number of magic treasures exclusively used by the gods. This means that our fighting power has grown dramatically!

Let those fucking cultivators from the positive world come as much as they want. With our increased power, we will now be able to crush them all and feed on their corpses. It is our turn to be more powerful!"

Thinking of the bright possibilities for them all, the monster patriarch burst into a fit of hearty laughter.

"Kill them all! Eat them all! Destroy every bit of them!"

All the monsters in the ancestral grave roared in high spirits. The whole world shook and rumbled violently and thunder rolled throughout the entire skies in equal excitement.

"What the hell? Where am I? What is this place?"

Austin suddenly sensed something strange in his surroundings.

After being transported out of the negative world, Austin found himself in a new environment.

It was a city that was very peaceful and quiet.

Austin looked around carefully. Beautiful buildings were spread out strategically all over the city. It looked like a civilization that had been carefully planned from the start.

There were rare flowers, majestic trees and even various kinds of omnipotent herbs in generous pockets of greenery in its urban sprawls. Numerous rivers and waterfalls also ran across the city making it look like a magical place.

The omnipotent herbs did not seemed afraid of Austin and his team and so there was no untoward reaction among them. They transformed into various kinds and forms of creatures to blend with the locals and wandered around the streets.

"This is not Layne Lu City. It's an entirely new city altogether!"

It wasn't just Austin and his companions. Other cultivators who had successfully passed the previous trial also entered the city one after another.

Pretty soon, the quiet city became active and even noisy as a large group of people, mostly fighters and cultivators, arrived, making the city come back to life.

"Guys, be quiet. This is a city for you to rest on, before you return to the Primordial Road.

This city houses a large quantity of natural resources, advanced pills and elixirs, magic treasures, and even some books recording some excellent martial arts skills that have long vanished from outside world.


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