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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2979

Luckily, Austin had taken the time to refine a large number of spiritual crystals the other day, which increased his spiritual sense tenfold.

As he sat with his eyes half-closed and murmured to himself, he began to practice the Puppet Strings.

In fact, it was so effortless that it only took half a day for him to refine a hundred red strings.

"Master, this is incredible! You must be some sort of genius.

I can't believe you managed to create a hundred puppet strings in just hours!"

Lange was staring at Austin with his hands clasped eagerly in front of him. He had never witnessed someone cultivate so fast in all his life.

"I got lucky," Austin said with a smile.

Finally, he felt a bit satisfied with his progress. The Puppet Strings were an advanced skill and he hadn't expected to be this far along.

He knew that the spiritual tree took a lot of the credit.

The spiritual tree was the holy tree of the spiritual race, and it meant everything to its members.

And on top of that, the Puppet Strings was a secret skill that was owned by the spiritual race.

Austin had found the spiritual tree a useful tool that made it simple for an outsider like him to grasp the Puppet Strings.

"Master, it won't take long to surpass me in the Puppet Strings,"

Lange said, still looking at him wide-eyed.

"Master, we've arrived.

If you look just ahead there, you will see a small spiritual capital,"

one of the spirits informed Austin while he pointed at the space a couple yards ahead of them.

Austin's eyes followed and he saw the city.

The style of buildings was primitive and rough, and it occupied a large area. There were towering gates and all kinds of creatures were coming and going at a rapid pace.

Even though it looked run-down, it was obviously not a ghost-town.

Suddenly, a burst of strong energy waves erupted into the sky and twisted. Austin jumped in surprise.

From where he stood, he saw that the sky above the spiritual capital was dark red.

"Did you see that? The spiritual soul energy there is so dense,"

Austin shouted, turning around to see if anyone else had seen or if he had just imagined it.

A few of them nodded. Immediately, he closed his eyes and used his spiritual sense to confirm. A smile spread on his face when he realized that there was a large amount of spiritual soul energy in the city.

There was so much of it that it was visible to the naked eye.

"Master, there is something else you need to know.

Each spiritual capital is built on a spiritual vessel.

The spiritual vessel provides a large amount of spiritual soul energy to the city and its occupants. This is why it is always overflowing with spirits here. They are all working to refine their spiritual soul energy.

And that's not all. The spiritual vessel refers to the vessel of spiritual crystal,"

Lange told Austin.

"You mean there is a vessel of spiritual crystal under this city?" Austin asked as his jaw dropped for a second time.

If that were the case, this journey could be the most worthwhile one he had ever taken part in.

"Yes. That is correct.

All the spiritual capitals are built on large vessels of the spiritual crystal."

Austin tried hard to avoid celebrating the fact too hard. He collected himself to ask more questions.

"Would it be possible to dig up this huge vessel of the spiritual crystal?"

Austin asked, looking straight towards the city.

Immediately, all fourteen members of the spiritual race stepped towards him. "What?"

None of them could believe that such a thought could enter his mind.

"Master, what did you say? You want to dig out the vessel of the spiritual crystal and take it all for yourself?" one of the spirits asked.

His voice was trembling so much he barely got all the words out.

"Master, that is absolutely a terrible idea.

Each spiritual capital belongs to a certain aristocrat of our spiritual race.

There is a strict hierarchy in our race.

The Spiritual Ancestor is at the top.

He is our oldest ancestor and it is said that his strength is formidable.

Next in line are the aristocrats.

These lords were selected and promoted by our ancestor. They live in different places and have their own territory and subordinates.

They are the ones you really must fear.


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