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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2980

"Master, let's first find an inn where we can stay,"

Lange whispered to Austin through his spiritual sense.

"Okay, let's do that,"

Austin agreed.

Lange, along with other thirteen spiritual beings, walked through the streets with a large number of slaves behind them. As if this was just a normal sight, this didn't arouse attention from anybody else.

The busy street was crowded with people. It turned out that most of them were slaves controlled by the spiritual race.

However, none of the members of the spiritual race appeared on the streets in their original form.

Even Lange and other spirits had entered the Soul Seas of the slaves, taking over of their physical bodies.

According to Lange, the members of the spiritual race liked to hide in the dark and were very unwilling to show their true form in public. This was a custom that had been happening for a long time now.

"What the hell! These spiritual beings are like mice who always lurk in the dark,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot could not help but laugh while spouting words of mockery.

"Don't be so rude. That's just how they are. They were born with that innate behavior,"

Austin replied with a faint smile.

"Wait a minute. Are you seeing this too? These people are cultivators for the trial. How did we not notice them immediately?" Austin was surprised when they saw them from a distance.

Then, a large group of cultivators passed through the street where they were walking.

Like Austin, these cultivators had just recently entered this universe for the sole purpose of accomplishing the trial. Austin recognized their faces immediately as he saw them a couple of times in the earlier stage of the trial.

"Why are they here? How could all these people have access to this city?

Hold on. Why does it seem like they are all controlled by the spiritual race? Don't tell me they have become their slaves?"

Austin was dumbfounded as he took a closer look at the cultivators in the city.

"What are you so worried about? It's normal. So many cultivators are entering this universe for the trial. It's not uncommon for them to encounter the spiritual race and be captured by them,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot speculated.

"You have a point. I've seen their secret skill and it really is a powerful one.

Once you've become a victim of the Puppet Strings, nobody can get rid of it. As a result, they become slaves of the spiritual race,"

Austin affirmed the pot's speculation.

"What? Did you just see the people from the Mu Clan?!"

Austin's eyes widened as he saw some of the most unexpected people.

A group of people was roaming on a street not far from them. He quickly recognized their familiar faces and aura.

They were also participants for the trial. Among them was a tall young man wearing a beast hide. He was the young master of the Mu Clan, Dempsey.

A dozen of earth immortals from the Mu Clan followed him closely behind.

"That's definitely Dempsey, the young master of the Mu Clan. Has he become a slave of the spiritual race too?"

Austin asked in disbelief.

"That's great!

I totally hate that bastard. I'm so happy that he is now a slave!"

Violet wasn't able to hide her excitement.

"The disciples of the Sun Palace? They're here too!"

As Austin looked around, he saw another unexpected group of people in the distance. He almost couldn't suppress himself from shouting due to extreme shock.

He clearly saw the tall young man with blond hair walking down the street followed by six powerful earth immortals.

It was impossible not to notice them since they were all bathed in seething waves of golden aura.

Austin had seen the young man before. He caught Austin's attention because his cultivation method was quite like the Golden Sun Scripture.

As speculated by the Heavenly Majestic Pot, the young man should be a disciple of the Sun Palace.

"I saw that young man's power.

I can't believe that a man of his caliber would be captured and controlled by the spiritual race!

Don't you think there's something weird going on?"

Austin whispered to the Heavenly Majestic Pot in secret.

"Honestly, I do. This is kind of hard to believe. If these are just ordinary cultivators, then it's not at all surprising. However, these are all strong people,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot said in disbelief as well.

"That's Pearce of the Tomber race!"

Austin and the pot had not even finished discussing the unusual situation in the city when Austin saw the young genius from the Tomber race.

Though he looked a bit ordinary, Pearce was—without a doubt—more powerful than Darby. He was the best one of the younger generation of the Tomber race.

There they saw Pearce walking on the street among a bunch of slaves. Seven earth immortals from the Ghostdom were walking behind him.

"No way. This is crazy! There's definitely no reason for Pearce to be here!

Now I really have a strong feeling that there's something wrong going on."

Austin couldn't contain himself as he conversed with the Heavenly Majestic Pot.


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