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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2982

"It's very likely!"

It looks like we are not the only ones who are interested in the vessel of spiritual crystal here. The major forces also have eyes set on it. Things are going to get interesting, now!"

said the Heavenly Majestic Pot with an excited grin.

"It does seem like it."

Austin nodded.

This had not come as a surprise. After all, the vessel of spiritual crystal under the spiritual capital was a great resource, great enough for anyone to want it.

It was obvious that a large vessel like that would contain countless spiritual crystals in it. The sheer idea of the number of crystals contained within it was exhilarating.

Due to the advantage of this crystal in spiritual sense power cultivation, people were dying to stuff as many as they could into their pocket.

"Let's wait and see what these major forces are going to do next.

I believe they are too impatient to stick around waiting. They won't throw it away.

We must keep our eyes closely on them. Let me know if anything happens,"

Austin said.

"I will!"

Lange replied immediately.

In the following hours, Austin needed to continue his cultivation in seclusion.

During the same time, important events were unfolding in the spiritual capital.

Something was brewing inside a doom palace located in the center of the capital.

A man in white sat upright on the high chair at the end of the hall.

"How's the investigation proceeding?

Have you found any clues leading to our missing people?"

The man in white asked, slowly focusing his eyes on the person standing several meters in front of him.

"Sir, I suspect that some cultivators from the positive world have snuck into the spiritual capital.

I'm afraid that it is possible that our missing people have been killed by those cultivators in dark."

A middle-aged man, who looked like a butler, reported to the man in white with a bow. It was hard to make out whether this was an act of respect or fear.

"Actually, I received an order from my father a few days ago. He had warned me to be careful about those cultivators.

But I didn't take it seriously, because I didn't expect that they would dare set their feet on my territory.

Well, I'm going to have to capture some of these cultivators. After that, I'll just take them to my father myself. I believe that he will award me for my merit!

Listen up! From now on, close the borders of the entire capital. Lead out soldiers to search for the cultivators from the positive world! Don't spare any effort!"

the man in white said with conviction as he leaned forward.

Without further delay, an extensive manhunt began to unfold in the capital along the orders of the man in white.

The six major generals immediately took part in the manhunt personally. They led large groups of soldiers to patrol the city. Sentries were set up in every street and alleyway to interrogate and examine every passer-by closely.

But this was not all. Official notices were posted all over the city informing the citizens that there were cultivators from the positive world around and if anyone had any suspicions, they were to report to the officers without any delay.

Lange got to know about these developments soon enough and he hurriedly reported it to his master.

"It looks like there will be a good show soon!"

Austin said with a smile when he heard the news from Lange.

"The governor of the spiritual capital may have learned that we're hiding here.

But we're lucky to have become familiar with the nooks and corners of this city in the past few days. It's absolutely true that there's a large vessel of spiritual crystal under the ground we're standing now and we're going for it.

I don't think we should wait any longer. We should take action right now!

Let's finish off all those who belong to the spiritual race in this city and then dig up the vessel of spiritual crystal," a young man in black said slowly in the remote corner of the capital.

He was surrounded by an eager group of people. There was an aura of cold brutality in the man's demeanor.

"Right. The longer it takes, the more troubles will follow.

We need to hurry up!"

The rest of the people nodded in agreement.

"Let's move!"

All of a sudden, thousands of people came to attack. They were preceded by their screeching battle cries.

Fierce battle broke out in every corner of the city. Flashes and shadows of swords fell on every surface as far as the eyes could see.

"Master, something has happened!

Those cultivator have really started to fight.

There is a group of cultivators who possess terrifying combat power, and now they are surrounding the governor's mansion, trying to kill him! Destroy the governor and the capital will collapse."


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