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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 2983

Austin secretly took all his companions out of the spiritual capital and hid in the woods nearby.

He looked around to observe the terrain of the spiritual capital for a while before examining the space under the city with his spiritual sense.

After mastering the Earth Formula and the sect skill of the red demonic mouse, he often travelled underground.

On top of that, Austin now had a deeper understanding of the laws of the nature as his cultivation base was much higher than before. Thus, he had become an expert in travelling underground.

It only took him a little while to discover the location of the vessel of the spiritual crystal.

"We will travel underground from here!" Austin announced.

With a wave of his hand, he transferred all his people into the Slave Tower, before he dove into the ground.


Austin turned into a beam of red light, dashing toward the area below the center of the spiritual capital.

Soon enough, he reached his destination.

But once he got there, he was stumped.

Much to Austin's surprise, there was no sign of any vessel, though the area was abound in Earth Energy.

Upon seeing this, he was slightly disappointed. He teleported Lange out of the Slave Tower using his mind.

"Didn't you say that there was a huge vessel of spiritual crystal under each spiritual capital?

Why isn't anything here, then?" Austin asked him.

"It's strange! It should be here!"

Lange searched everywhere nearby and found nothing. He was baffled.

"Master, I didn't lie to you!

There must be a huge vessel of spiritual crystal under each spiritual capital. This is an open secret in our race.

But I don't get it! How come there's nothing here? This is weird..."

Lange muttered in frustration.

"So something is amiss with this place," Austin murmured, taking Lange at his word.

Since he had controlled Lange using the Puppet Strings, he was certain that he was loyal and telling the truth. Lange wouldn't be able to lie to him.

Austin began to search the area under the spiritual capital with his powerful spiritual sense.

Aside from Lange, he also teleported out a large number of spirits and ordered them to help him look for the vessel of the spiritual crystal.

But after a while, their search still proved futile.

Just as Austin was getting desperate, he felt the spiritual tree in his Soul Sea unleash its spiritual sense and direct it at the area in front of him.

Excited, he rushed toward that area immediately.

As he was approaching the spot, it emitted a dazzling white light which illuminated the entire underground area.

The white light spread like a tide.

Suddenly, a growl rumbled from where the light emanated.

Austin raised his head and saw a faint figure bigger than a mountain, staring at him with bloodthirsty eyes.

"What the hell is that?"

Austin sputtered in utter shock.

Due to the blinding light, he couldn't have a clear image of the mysterious creature in front of him. Even his spiritual sense failed to perceive what it was.

Austin had to open his Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor to finally see it clearly.

It turned out to be a gigantic white dragon!

The white dragon had been hiding there all the time, but Austin hadn't spotted it!

It wasn't until the spiritual tree reacted that Austin could detect it.

The white dragon let out a series of roars, its huge eyes fixed on Austin.

"Master, this is a spiritual dragon!"

Lange and other spirits exclaimed in delight and surprise.


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