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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3009

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Out of nowhere, Austin and his companions heard the sound of people fighting in the dense forest. They felt a surge of powerful energy course through even from the distance they were in.

Upon closer observation, they noticed that two gigantic creatures were battling each other intensely.

The fierce battle kept going, and they destroyed plenty of trees along the way. Debris of timber and foliage flew all around.

Half of the forest was instantly ruined.

"I see. It's a snake and an ape."

Violet squinted her eyes to have a better view of the gigantic creatures amidst the debris.

The rest of them also came to the conclusion that they were indeed these animals.

The snake was covered with golden scales that glinted whenever the sun hit them. Its tongue flicked in and out as it watched its enemy with beady, abyss-like eyes.

The ape, on the other hand, had very sharp teeth and yellow fur. It stood regally, with a stone rod in both of its hands. It was surrounded by golden light.

Austin and his companions learned that these enormous creatures had the strength of cultivators at the Immortal Transforming Realm.

Compared to them, these battling creatures were as weak as an ant.

They saw the fight happening before them as if it were a fight between two children over some petty trinket.

"Master, the living beings on this planet are so weak."

Violet grinned.

"Indeed, from what I can sense, their power is indeed feeble, but it does not mean that all the residents here are as weak as them.

Dubhe is one of the seven stars of the Big Dipper.

This place could be the home of the ancient divine gods.

So we must be careful."

Austin knew that they shouldn't be too confident in treading this place.

"Is that so? That's strange. How do you know this planet is called Dubhe, master? And how do you know it is one of the seven stars of the Big Dipper?"

Curious, Violet asked Austin where he found out all this information.

The Heavenly Majestic Pot also became curious of Austin's knowledge.

"Brat, you seem to be familiar with this place? Have you been here before?" it asked, as it looked at Austin with confusion.

The pot had lived for eras, and it had been to a lot of places in the three thousand big worlds and three thousand small worlds with its former master. It had seen a lot of things but never had it heard of Dubhe.

The pot didn't know anything about this place at all. Austin, however, seemed to be very aware of this planet. The pot then felt that quite peculiar.

"Well, it is a long story. Even if I tell you, you might think I am lying.

I'll explain it to you later."

Austin smiled, keeping the suspense higher. In turn, everyone got even more curious.

"You brat, you dare to keep secrets from me!"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot said.

"Since we met two natives, we can ask them about this planet," Austin suggested, ignoring the pot's quips.

He went towards the place where the giant snake and the huge ape were battling fiercely.

His companions closely followed.

Austin moved so swiftly that he immediately reached the gigantic creatures in just two steps.

The snake and the ape, on the other hand, went on with their business.

It seemed that none of them were willing to stop until one of them died.

Despite their determination to kill their enemy, Austin's sudden presence caught them off guard. They reluctantly halted and shifted their attention to the mysterious man that appeared out of the blue.

This interruption made the snake and the ape instantly annoyed. With raging eyes, they simultaneously glared at Austin.

Austin, in contrast, simply looked at them calmly, as if unperturbed by their angry gaze.

To establish dominance, he released a small portion of his energy towards the two hostile creatures.

Due to the great power difference between Austin and the gigantic creatures, they were unable to bear the pressure.

The snake and the ape sank to the ground, shivering with fear.

They couldn't even look directly into his eyes because they both knew that they were no match for him.

After all, Austin had reached the Golden Immortal Realm while the two creatures were merely at the Immortal Transforming Realm.

Defeating this mysterious young man was practically impossible for them.


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