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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3010

The huge ape's words echoed in their minds for a while.

'Gods' Hometown is really on the land of the Megrez all along?' they wondered.

"How did you know about that?" the Heavenly Majestic Pot couldn't help but be doubtful.

It had no other choice but to ask straightforwardly.

Upon hearing the question, the ape could only scratch his head and responded with a sincere face, "It's not like it's a big secret. Everyone knows about it."

The huge golden snake also nodded convincingly to show that the ape was really telling the truth.

They couldn't believe what they just heard.

Austin and his companions all thought that it would take them a lot of time and efforts to find the location of Gods' Hometown in the Yellow Cosmos.

However, thanks to the information of the ape and the golden snake, they felt dumb upon hearing that it was a widely known fact that Gods' Hometown was on the land of the Megrez.

Austin and the others were both shocked and thrilled. At last, they had a solid lead on where it was.

"Such a great coincidence!

It seems that we are very lucky this time. We've already found out the location of Gods' Hometown this easily.

Let's leave for the Megrez right away and check what's going on over there,"

suggested the Heavenly Majestic Pot.

As the ape and golden snake heard the words of the Heavenly Majestic Pot, they got confused and started to harbor doubts in their minds.

"What do you mean? Didn't you come from the Megrez?"

the ape asked cautiously.

It turned out that the ape and the golden snake had always thought that these powerful beings in front of them were divine gods from the Megrez. That was why they couldn't believe that they were wrong since they were hearing these from them.

"No, we are from another faraway world,"

Austin said flatly.

"Oh, I see."

The two huge creatures nodded slightly as they looked at each other.

In their minds, these men were so powerful that they must have been unparalleled throughout every universe.

That was the reason why they assumed that they were divine gods who came from the Megrez in the first place.

"If you want to go to Gods' Hometown that badly, you should look for a god's emissary first. Then the god's emissary would inform the divine gods of the Megrez of your request to visit. Only with their permission can you enter the Megrez.

You can find the god's emissaries here on our Dubhe.

It's the only way you can go in. Without the help of the emissaries, you will not be allowed to enter Gods' Hometown,"

the ape elaborated.

"Really? That's so inconvenient,"

Austin responded with a bitter sigh.

"Why bother? Let's go the Megrez directly!"

the Heavenly Majestic pot urged.

"No, we can't. We'd better do this more carefully. Let's search for the god's emissary first, then we can decide from there what to do next.

In ancient times, the Yellow Cosmos was known as one of the birthplaces of the divine gods.

There's a huge possibility that divine relics from ancient times still exists.

What if Gods' Hometown is one of the divine relics left behind by the real ancient divine gods?

You should know by now that everything related to the god couldn't be taken too lightly.

Otherwise, we will be in great trouble,"

Austin explained the weight of rushing things over, especially since it concerned facing the gods.

"Well, that is true,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot agreed upon hearing Austin's words.

Austin turned to the giant ape and snake and asked, "Can you take us where we can find a god's emissary?"


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