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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3051

In the ancient times, Elliot was a fierce divine god.

Austin quickly moved his body and slapped the rest of the young men to death.

They were killed brutally while in the middle of displaying the Spirit-possessing Skill, just before they could borrow the powers of the spirits.

At this point, a dark red shadow with terrifying energy emerged from Elliot's statue and entered the old man's body.


Immediately, the elder's body started growing at a tremendous speed.

He grew taller with every second. In the blink of an eye, he became two meters tall, but not stopping there.

He kept growing and by the time he stopped, the old man had turned into a giant, about five meters tall, with dark red evil light fiercely moving all around him.

The giant had an angry bull for a head and ferocious wings on his back. All of a sudden, the single bull head grew two more in its sides making it a total of three. On his torso, he had a total of six muscular arms!

Austin recognized immediately that the giant looked exactly like Elliot.

That was to say, this giant in front of him could most likely be Elliot's avatar after being possessed.

Not wasting any time, the creature released a terrifyingly powerful energy, which twisted and distorted the surrounding space. The atmosphere coming in contact with vital energy started rolling and surging.

The temple was filled with the space law. With that, it was actually much larger than it appeared to be.

It could contain any creature up to a hundred meters tall or wide. A five-meter one would be nothing out of the ordinary.

"Hmm. He has grown stronger!"

Austin narrowed his eyes as he studied the tall creature.

In the past, it would have been easy work for Austin to take down a giant such as the one in front of him.

However, things were different at this point.

After experiencing the Regression when entering the Earth, Austin had lost most of his strength. His vital energy realm had dropped to the Earth Realm, and he could probably defeat cultivators at the Emperor Realm solely relying on his organic physical strength.

Although the power of his spiritual sense had not weakened, it was useless for him in a fight.

He could take advantage of the law power.

However, since the laws were still incomplete in the space where the Earth was located, the law power would still be significantly weaker even if he tried to use it.

Looking at the looming five meter giant about to come after him, Austin racked his brain and stressed out, trying to come up with a plan to defeat the oversized beast.

He initially thought that no one on Earth could be a match for him with the current state of his physical strength.

But with an unexpected twist of bad luck, he ran into this creature.

"You arrogant brat, this is my place. Do you think you can just do whatever you want here? Who the hell do you think you are? You are giving yourself much more credit than you think you deserve.

No matter who you are, you will be surely dead by the end of this day!"

the giant said with a scornful sneer, his voice terrifyingly deep and ferocious.

Then he stomped the ground hard with his feet and rushed towards Austin. The ground shook with every step he made.

While the giant made his way towards his target, the entire temple also trembled in terror.

Loose rocks from its weaker plaster walls started falling on the sides, shaking dust that had gathered there for centuries.

The giant had a different weapon in each of his six hands, all of which emitted light of different colors. Some of his weapons emitted red light, and some white light, while the others emitted blue light and so on.

The giant unleashed six different secret skills to attack Austin from different directions and at the same time.

"Wow, that was awesome!" Austin couldn't help but remark.

He went on high alert mode, as he did not dare to underestimate his foe. As he prepared for full concentration in his mind, the Mysterious Magnetic Mountain suddenly appeared above his head. Nine drops of Celestial Star Water flew around the magic treasure, shaking the space around him.

Although Austin's cultivation base had dropped sharply, the Mysterious Magnetic Mountain could attack enemies on its own once he summoned it.


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