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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3052

"What do you think, lad?" Elliot's tone was dulcet and oozing with persuasion.

"Do you want to become more powerful and dominate the three thousand big and small worlds?

I can make those ambitions come true once you join us."

A vague aura emerged from the magnificent god statue and drifted towards Austin.

In the next moment, the suspicious aura had penetrated into his Soul Sea.

His mind was thrown off its course, and he fell into a trance.

He started to regard Elliot's words with favor.

"Well, if what you say is true... Dominion over the three thousand big and small worlds doesn't sound so bad."

In his mind appeared a picture of himself standing at the top of the power hierarchy of all the worlds, with every creature accepting and worshiping his every command.

Then out of nowhere, Austin felt a nagging urge to kneel down in front of Elliot's statue and proclaim him as his supreme.

Then the spiritual tree in his Soul Sea began to shake violently, pulling Austin out of the extravagant fantasy that was clouding his brain. He sobered up immediately.

"How brilliant the illusory skill is!" he exclaimed.

'What the hell is this?'

He saw a tiny, almost transparent worm drifting inconspicuously in his Soul Sea.

Had it not been for his strong spiritual sense and the spiritual tree, he would have never noticed it.

It latched on next to Austin's spiritual soul and did a slow wriggling motion.

Creepy crimson tendrils crawled out if its body and tried to wrap themselves around Austin's spiritual soul.

'Well, it appears that the delusions I just experienced were because of this little parasite.

What kind of secret technique is this, I wonder.

It seems similar to the Puppet Strings of the spiritual race.

It's quite powerful.

To think that I got tricked by this method!

Ordinary creatures wouldn't be able to shake free of it if they were in my place.'

Austin took a moment to wonder at the worm, because it did deserve some credit for having been able to sway his thinking. Then he summoned the red threads out of his spiritual tree's trunk.

They were countless in number and densely packed, and they surrounded the worm in the blink of an eye.

The worm appeared to be thrown into panic at being cornered; it darted here and there in an attempt to escape, severing many of the red threads.

It had nowhere to run, and was soon under Austin's control.

"Hum? How could you find that?" the voice boomed from the statue of Elliot.

"You're quite a special lad!

Your fighting power has proven to be quite impressive, and now you've even managed to break free of my little trick.

I've gained more confidence in you, lad.

I'm serious. I think you're very talented.

As long as you come to my sect and become my disciple, I'm sure I can cultivate you into a great master."

"Ha-ha, so you say quite a lot of things just to try to convince me to worship you blindly!"

Austin's voice took on a mocking tone as he sneered at the statue.

"You're so desperate to grab at the chance to return to this cosmos from the boundless Sea of Chaos.

Admit it, the one who truly wants to rule the three thousand big and small worlds is none other than you!

And I will be nothing more than a tool you will take advantage of.

I know exactly what you're up to."

"Insolence!" Elliot's statue raged.

"You should consider it a great honor to even have the opportunity to talk to me! Do you forget who I am?

It seems you really don't know what's good for you. No matter, whether you accept or reject my offer is immaterial because I've decided on you!"


A blow came from the giant with three heads and six arms. Austin dodged it effortlessly.

"What are you waiting for?" the statue bellowed to the others. "Let's get this bastard and make use of him!"

All of a sudden, the statues that stood in the great halls of the old temple began to shine and tremble repeatedly.


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