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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3053

Austin stood still to take a closer look. To his surprise, he found that the temple had gone deep into the ground and had disappeared.

"Damned you evil spirits, where are you going to hide?"

Austin could not help but feel agitated as he recalled what happened a moment ago in the temple. A wisp of Elliot's soul tried to control him, but fortunately did not succeed.

Austin clearly knew what would happen if he became Elliot's puppet; Elliot would be able to manipulate his every move and thought.

Since he was furious at the thought of being use by Elliot to fulfill his evil plan, Austin was unwilling to let go of the evil spirits that easily.

Thus, he used his special skill to travel underground at high speed.

Although Austin's vital energy realm was low for the time being, his physical strength was enough to display the Earth Formula and the secret skill passed from the red demonic mouse.

Although his speed was relatively reduced compared from his normal rate, he was determined to move forward without stopping.

At the same time, he also used the Earth-energy Manipulating Skill, one of the techniques of the Earth Formula, to chase his target. Through that, he had the advantage of communicating and sensing the Earth Energy at a far distance.

Soon, Austin found traces of the temple, and immediately headed for that direction.

However, the temple was moving at lightning speed.

Besides, the array deployed to protect the temple kept emitting a mysterious space energy to prevent Austin from perceiving its whereabouts.

"The ancient temple is so peculiar."

Austin had been in pursuit of the temple for more than an hour. However, a sense of frustration seized upon him as he slowly lost its trace.

Since he was committed to find the temple, he did not want to give up. Thus, he used the Earth-energy Manipulating Skill again to trigger and detect any Earth energies nearby in the hopes of finding the ancient temple.

"Whoa. What the hell? What is that?"

Austin suddenly felt something strange.

Through his spiritual sense, he discovered that there was a small temple about ten thousand meters away deep under the ground.

The old, dilapidated temple looked small and shabby.

Austin rushed hurriedly in excitement.

Finally, he came upon the small underground temple.

"Well, that's weird. This temple is not the one I'm looking for, and is so much smaller."

Austin sent his spiritual sense to observe the temple as he approached it. He was certain that it was not Elliot's temple.

"Wow. Thank you so much for expelling Elliot. He has caused a lot of trouble in this place. You truly are a young hero.

Finally, peace has been restored!"

Austin felt puzzled as he heard a voice coming from the inside of the small temple.

Then, a faint shadow appeared at the door.

It turned out to be a middle-aged man, who wore an old armor with a blade that hung on his waist. He held a red tassel spear in his right hand.

He looked like an archetypal general from a movie about ancient wars.

"It is my honor to see you, young hero!"

The man greeted Austin. He addressed Austin politely and even bowed to him with great respect.

"May I ask, how are you related to Queen Siobhan's greatest general?

Are you a descendant of him?"

the man asked with reverence.

"Excuse me? Who are you?

What is this temple?"

Austin could tell that the man held no hostility to him. On the contrary, he seemed to be very kind and warm.

"Young hero, I am the mountain god in this place! I oversee the land stretching far out from the sloping pasture-land to the dense forest crowned by the hill!"

the man answered proudly.

"What? The mountain god?"

The man's response had gone way beyond Austin's imagination. It stunned him to meet an actual mountain god, something he only heard about in folk tales.

"Do mountain gods in ancient folk tales really exist?"

Austin asked with great astonishment.

"Yes, we do. There are mountain gods on Earth.

We have lived here since long ago. Stories about us had been written ever since the ancient times,"

the middle-aged man told Austin.


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