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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3137

"The law of nature!"

Austin narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that the creature in human form would be so powerful. He was inwardly taken aback.

It was a great omnipotent skill beyond Austin's understanding. He had never come across such a thing before.

Saying the words and one could motivate the law of nature between heaven and earth could be mobilized to kill the enemy.

Only the divine gods had such capability.

Austin waved his hands, unleashing his own law power. Instantly, the Divine Ruling Chains were formed around him to protect him.

Fortunately, even though his law power was suppressed here on the Earth, he could still call it out. Of course, its force couldn't be displayed at its full capacity. Many of his acquired powers and skills had been rendered useless or hardly functional, being suppressed on Earth.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

This time, Austin didn't hold back anymore. He poured out all his physical strength at the Bitter Sea Realm. In quick response to his movement, the sky began to rumble and collapse.

It was the first time since Austin had returned to Earth, that he used his real strength against an enemy without any reservations.

He had to. He had no other choice. This human-shaped creature in front of him was a very strong opponent. One wrong move could spell the end of him.

At this moment, far in Vantour, another headquarters of the Novel Court, inside an ancient round top castle, a lively conversation about this fight was in progress.

"Your Grace, you've awakened up the divine god of Jerule! I didn't know that it was possible!"

the dark-skinned servant exclaimed. He had no need to hide the shocked expression on his face.

"Well, to be honest with you, it wasn't I who did it. I was not the one who woke up the divine god of Jerule.

I bet you've heard the news about strange phenomena in many temples of divine gods in the east. They glowed, people saw things and many things have been changing ever since. Anyways, it's reasonable and safe to say that the divine gods in the east were not alone.

As far as I am concerned and to the best of my knowledge, the divine gods enshrined in the ancient temples in the west have also woken up one by one.

Last time, when I visited the ancient temple in Jerule, I was able to see the aura and I had a feeling that the divine gods would be coming back from their deep slumbers. And now, it turns out that I was right!"

the priest in red said with a proud smile.

"Oh, I see!"

the dark-skinned servant echoed with an enlightened look.

"No matter how powerful this Austin is, I don't think that he can be a match for the divine god! Who does he think he is?"

the dark-skinned servant said, looking at the battle unfolding on the big LCD screen.

"Our god is the highest existence in the world and in the universe. Do you think that the result would be otherwise?"

the priest in red responded with a question.

"Yes, Your Grace. Our omnipotent god is all powerful and mighty and will definitely win!"

The dark-skinned servant nodded.

Meanwhile, Austin and the creature in human form were fighting fiercely in the ancient city.


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