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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3138

There were too many holy knights around. They were sure to be outnumbered.

Austin wouldn't take the risk and let the others be separated from him for too long. He needed to protect them from any possible and unknown danger.

"Divine temple!"

Austin was surprised at what he saw.

They were now at a green mountain located inside the ancient city.

An ancient temple was seated on the top of the mountain. It was not big, but it was very old as evident from its crumbling facade.

When Austin got there, the divine temple was glowing and emitting a strong aura of immortal energy.

The entire temple was also shaking violently. Boulders of ancient stone and rock were falling of its edges.

Angels were flying around it with their white feathered wings, each one carrying an exquisite flower basket, and throwing flowers in the air.

Above the temple, an illusory symbol stood erect, extending to the sky and emitting a terrifyingly majestic beam of light.

When Austin and his team were near the temple, they barely missed the creature in human form who had fought with Austin earlier. It was about to rush into the temple.

After thinking for a second, Austin followed him into the temple.

The temple was very modest in size, about thirty square meters. Many humble temples around the world were much bigger than that.

In the middle of the altar stood a tall statue almost reaching the ceiling.

To Austin's surprise, the statue looked exactly like the creature in human form who had just fought with him.

He had the face and features of a common western man, with a sharp nose and long blond hair. There were two sharp horns protruding from his forehead, and his body was covered with golden scales, looking mercilessly fierce and awe inspiring!

Austin's jaw dropped as he realized that his opponent earlier was the one who was worshiped in this divine temple.

"Oh, here you are!"

Austin then understood the true identity of the creature.

He must be a remnant soul of an ancient western divine god.

Austin had seen quite a number remnant souls similar to this one before.

In fact, there were numerous spiritual soul avatars left by ancient divine gods in the two opposite worlds under Karakoram Mountain.

These avatars were nothing but remnant souls left behind by divine gods, with a certain amount of their real strength.

"Humph! You're really brave to follow me here! It is very rare to see such kind of courage,"

the statue suddenly began to talk, directing his words at Austin.

"Well, that courage you speak of is all for nothing. You're but a remnant soul, useless and weak. What can you do except create a spectacular show your arrogance? If the actual divine god was here himself, I may be a little more alert on my toes. But then again, it's just you here. It's not even a challenge!"

Austin sneered.

"If my real body were here, I could have instantly killed you with a blow and you wouldn't get past your first sentence, you blabbermouth brat,"


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