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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3223

"So why are the divine gods coming back one after another these days? Is it because the Ancient Peace Agreement is getting weaker and weaker?"

Austin asked.

"That's one of the reasons." Morphy nodded.

"But the main reason is that in the Divine Being's World, the Shore of Rebirth appeared.

So most of the divine gods have come back for the rebirth rune papers and some divine cores,"

he explained.

"Yes, that's true.

Ever since some of the divine gods went to the Millstone of Reincarnation in the Divine Being's World, numerous others have begun to pop up everywhere."

Austin nodded.

"But now, the six divine cores have already been taken away from them.

So I guess that the divine gods should leave soon?"

Austin ventured.

"Mmm... It's hard to say.

Without the restrictions and boundaries of the Ancient Peace Agreement to hold over them, odds are that some of the divine gods will stay and try to dominate the worlds here.

Besides, I have a feeling that the gods of darkness are going to return soon.

The three thousand big and small worlds are already in chaos. If that happens, then peace as you know it, is over!"

Morphy sighed.

"Morphy, you are right.

You know what? I also have a hunch that some terrible crisis is looming over the three thousand big and small universes. I have been feeling it for a while now.

In fact, the crisis might even be dangerous enough to destroy all these universes!"

a divine god sighed.

It was clearly visible that the four divine gods were worried.

'From where I am standing, it looks like these four elders really care about the fate of the three thousand big and small universes.

They are not like the other divine gods who only care about their own interests, '

Austin thought to himself.

"Austin, your Fallen Immortal Cosmos is in serious danger now.

You have angered a lot of divine gods by thwarting their plans. They won't give up easily. They won't stop until they kill you."

Morphy looked at Austin.

"Yes, you are right."

Austin's heart sank at the mention of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos. But that wasn't the only feeling he had.

And endless anger surging and bubbling in his heart. These dumb gods had messed with his homeland.

And now since they wanted to kill Austin, he naturally wanted to return the favor.

"Hold on, there is a solution.

Austin, you seem to have the ability to travel across space and teleport to a distant location at a moment's notice.

This means you can save those people. You can teleport the creatures in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos to a place far away and hidden enough for them to stay safe.

That way, even if the Ancient Peace Agreement is eventually broken and those divine gods do enter the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, they won't be able to hurt your friends,"

one of the divine gods suggested.

"That makes sense!

You are right, Andreas!

That is a feasible way!"

Morphy' eyes lit up.

"Good idea!"

Austin was also overjoyed.

"Alright then, Austin. Let's go and find a habitable world now.

We will then transfer the creatures from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos there.

Keeping them alive is our first priority. With all of them safe and sound, we can surely find a way to solve the crisis if it does come in the future.

Then those people can also go back to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos,"

Morphy said.


Austin agreed with the plan.

After deciding that the plan was viable, the four divine gods took Austin into the Sea of Chaos and they began their search for a suitable world to hide.

A divine god could easily walk in the Sea of Chaos.

Although it wasn't completely safe, as long as the divine god was careful enough, there wouldn't be too much danger.

Apart from Morphy, the other three divine gods were called Andreas, Lukyan and Pascal.

The four divine gods were very enthusiastic about Austin and admired him a lot.

In their eyes, Austin was a rare gem who was a genius in terms of martial arts.

They were naturally willing to be friends with such a genius.

After a few days of searching, they finally found a very secluded and abandoned cosmos.

Although it was broken into several pieces of land, there were still dozens of relatively huge continents for temporary use.

The four divine gods, together with Austin, carefully examined the place and after seeing that it was safe enough for temporary habitation, decided to use this cosmos to temporarily place the creatures of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

"Alright, Austin. You can now go back and bring the creatures of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos here in batches.

The four of us are going to set up some arrays in this cosmos to absorb the spiritual energy from space around this place, so that the creatures of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos can cultivate,"


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