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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3224

Austin returned to the Immortal End World.

When he got there, everyone was preoccupied with various things. The whole place was littered with busy creatures.

They were all packing and preparing to leave.

Naturally, the atmosphere around was rather gloomy and wistful.

After all, the Immortal End World was their birthplace, and they had grown fond of it. It broke their heart to leave the place they called home. On top of it, they had to move into an unfamiliar world.

However, this was Austin's decree. And no one would ever dare to resist his orders.

Austin felt sympathetic towards his people. Through his spiritual sense, he could feel their sorrow and unwillingness to leave the place. In turn, this made him feel the same way.

He was hovering above the Immortal End Continent, watching all of them made their preparations for departure.

'Don't worry. I promise that you can come back and live in your homeland again soon enough!' Austin vowed in his heart.

"Saying goodbye is hard," Kevin appeared beside Austin and softly sighed.

"I have stayed here my entire life.

Now I have to leave all of a sudden," he added.

He looked around the place, nostalgic of his memories he made in the Immortal End World.


Caroline, Ivy and Sue made their way towards the two men.

There was a noticeable reluctance behind their tantalizing eyes.

"Don't worry, Master Kevin. We will be back soon,"

Austin comforted. He gently patted his friend's shoulder for reassurance.

"I hope so."

Kevin nodded and smiled. He appreciated Austin's effort to help them. Although this situation was not ideal, he understood that this had to happen for the greater good.

It took a full day of the hustle and bustle, and finally, all the creatures were ready to leave.

There were numerous creatures abound the starry night sky of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.


Satisfied, Austin nodded.

Then, he stretched out his hand, and a small and exquisite palace appeared in his palm, emitting beautiful colorful light.

It was a divine level spatial magic treasure.

Previously, Austin had obtained thousands of divine level magic treasures in the Sword Kingdom, some of which were spatial magic treasures.

Moreover, all the magic treasures collected by the Sword Emperor had the best quality, far better than ordinary magic treasures.

"Take them in!"

Austin ordered, holding the palace in his hand.

The palace instantly flew out from Austin's palm on the vast space. It grew bigger and broader until it almost filled the entire starry sky.

Then, a tremendous suction force burst out and absorbed all the living creatures in the starry sky into the palace.

A moment later, the suction force stopped.

Austin waved his hand, and the palace instantly shrunk into palm-sized once more.

The space inside the palace was brimming with creatures. It was already at its maximum capacity.

There were more than a thousand worlds in the entire Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

And inside each one of them had at least billions of inhabitants.

Although Austin used a divine level magic treasure, it still had its limitations.

Thankfully, Austin had many spatial magic treasures in his arsenal.

He took out four more spatial magic treasures and filled them with the creatures in the cosmos.

After everything, he activated the Reincarnation Token and went to a deserted cosmos through teleportation.

He had already recorded the location of the cosmos in the Reincarnation Token.

While Austin was busy transporting the people from the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, there were streams of horrifying energy from outside the Fallen Immortal Cosmos attacking the Ancient Peace Agreement.

More than a dozen divine gods were continuously attacking the agreement.

"Hahaha! In the past two days, the energy of the Ancient Peace Agreement is getting weaker and weaker.

It won't be long before the agreement is completely destroyed!

By then, there will be no longer any power that can threaten us in these three thousand universes!

We will become the supreme existences in all these universes!"

"That's right!

This damned agreement has caused a nuisance to us for so long! It should be destroyed!

Besides, the Fallen Immortal Cosmos needs to be wiped out of the universes!

I will definitely infiltrate there and kill all the creatures!"

"We must find Austin!

I won't stop until I get rid of him!"

The divine gods were becoming hysterical. They shouted one after another excitedly.

Meanwhile, the Reincarnation Token took Austin through a spatial teleportation channel and advanced at top speed.

After just a few seconds, he finally arrived in the deserted cosmos.

"Austin, the four of us have cleared dozens of continents, and each continent has been deployed with a lot of arrays. Just make do with them,"


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