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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3326

Outside the abandoned cosmos, all the divine gods were celebrating.

"Ha-ha! We have successfully refined all the laws of nature and destroyed everything in this lowly cosmos.

Since the time and space have been disturbed, it will be difficult to teleport now.

That brat can't escape from us anymore,"

said a divine god in red between laughs.

"That's right. After refining all the laws of nature of this rubbish cosmos, we can fully control everything in it.

This cosmos is just a piece of cake to destroy.

Those poor creatures are lucky because they are useful to us, and we want to keep them alive. If not, we can totally eliminate this cosmos's existence.

For sure, no one can escape death inside this cosmos,"

said the divine god in white with a smile.

"I'll catch that brat now,"

said the divine god in red.

He then stretched his hand into the cosmos.

At that time, everything in the abandoned cosmos had disappeared.

Only dust, energy hurricanes, and space fragments were left flying everywhere.

It was a horrible scene to behold!

No one could feel the passage of time, and space was distorted strangely.

There was a gate floating in the air like a small boat drifting with the waves in the sea.

Inside the gate was a vast space, where billions of creatures were gathered.

The gnome, the Heavenly Majestic Pot, Violet, and the others were also there.

Kevin, together with a group of senior members of the Fallen Immortal Cosmos, went up to greet the Heavenly Majestic Pot and the rest.

Caroline, Ivy, and Sue also stepped forward and held Violet intimately.

But they all knew that it was not the right time to talk about the old days.

"Damn it! The space and time are completely chaotic now.

It is difficult to use the Space Teleportation in this kind of environment.

We can't escape even if we want to,"

said the gnome with a frown. He could feel how terrible the space and time outside at this moment.

"Don't forget that this Space Gate is a chaotic magic treasure.

Even if space and time are chaotic, it won't affect this gate.

You are just too weak to activate its real power.

I've already told you several times to lend it to me so I can study it carefully, but you always refuse,"

the Heavenly Majestic Pot said as it pursed its lips.

"Even if I give you the Space Gate, you still can't use its full power.

Just like me, you are also at the Divine Realm.

Besides, I'm already good at spatial power and space law innately, but I can't activate the Space Gate completely.

I don't think you can do that,"

said the gnome crossly.

"Instead of arguing, why don't you just think about how we can leave now?

Once we fall into the hands of those divine gods outside, no one knows what will be our fate."

Violet tried to persuade them.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what to do for now. I can't really activate the Space Gate in this kind of environment. It will be very difficult to travel through space and leave this cosmos,"

the gnome admitted, shaking his head.

All of a sudden, a rumbling sound was heard outside the gate.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A giant hand with majestic force appeared above the gate and grabbed it.

"Here they are.

I will try my best to activate the Space Gate, so we can fight against them."


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