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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3327

"Austin, we're close to the three thousand big and small universes."

Peterson's voice rang out in Austin's Soul Sea.

"We're almost there."

Austin quickly ended his cultivation and excitedly jumped to his feet.

During the entire trip, he couldn't help but think about the three thousand big and small universes all the time.

Not once did he manage to stop worrying about the safety of the creatures in the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

Moreover, he was anxious to know where Violet and the others were.

After a moment, he pulled out the Reincarnation Token and used his spiritual sense to scan the distance between them and their destination.

"We can directly teleport back at this distance!"

A rush of joy filled him.

This wasn't the first time he attempted to use the Reincarnation Token to directly teleport them back to the three thousand big and small universes. All the previous times, he just ended up being disappointed because of the long distance.

It didn't take him long to realize that the space teleportation of the Reincarnation Token required a certain distance.

Or perhaps it was because he wasn't strong enough to utilize the Reincarnation Token's real power.

He quickly left the secret room and headed to the airship's hall.

"Master, at this distance, I can use my magic treasure to teleport us back,"

Austin politely informed Peterson.

Peterson, Morphy, and the others were all gathered in the hall.

"Let's keep a low profile and sneak back in then. We can take action after we figure out the current situation of the three thousand big and small universes."

After a moment's thought, Peterson eventually agreed with a nod.

All of them agreed that they'd reorganize the order of the three thousand big and small universes once they were back.

Morphy, Andreas, Lukyan, and Pascal used to be the guardians of the Ancient Peace Agreement.

None of them could let it go now that the agreement had been destroyed.

"Austin, are we arriving at your hometown soon?

That's great. I'll tour around there,"

Shepard said. His round figure was eye-catching even among everyone in the hall of the airship.

In addition to him, the leader of the Flying Phoenix Sect, Fletcher, together with the sect's senior members, and Cyril, were standing beside them. All of them were nearly vibrating in their excitement for their next destination.

It would be impossible for the Flying Phoenix Sect to stay in the Ancient Mysterious Dragon Kingdom after they offended the Whirling Sect.

In their minds, the three thousand big and small universes would be where they would find their footing in the future.

"Ha-ha! Shepard, the strength of the three thousand big and small universes is so much weaker than that of the Ancient Mysterious Dragon Kingdom.

You might be disappointed."

A wry smile appeared on Austin's lips.

"The three thousand big and small universes must be extraordinary to produce a genius like you,"

Shepard chuckled.

Instead of replying, Austin took out the Reincarnation Token and poured in his spiritual sense to activate it, locking on to the spatial coordinate of the abandoned cosmos.

With a casual flick of his sleeve, Peterson moved everyone out of the airship and put it away.

After the Reincarnation Token was activated, it exploded with a powerful teleportation power that wrapped around Austin.

Everyone quickly got into the Slave Tower.

In the next moment, the Reincarnation Token disappeared with Austin.

At the same time, in the abandoned cosmos near the three thousand big and small universes, more than a dozen gigantic hands emitted terrifying energy pressure as they all chased and attempted to intercept a small gate.

Strong spatial power and brilliant space law burst out of the constantly dodging small gate.

More than a dozen divine gods were reaching the end of their patience outside the space barrier. Several roars of anger echoed in the air, as they were nearly tipping over the edge of madness.

"The chaotic magic treasure is too nimble. How are we going to catch it?!"

a divine god in a deep bloody red loudly cursed.

"We don't have to hurry. That brat must have used up lots of energy in using that chaotic magic treasure for such a long time.

It won't be long before he has no strength to continue.

We can just wait until he uses up his energy."

The old man in white smiled softly, leisurely looking on at the chase.

"You're right. It's interesting to torture him like this.

We could do this forever if we had to. Days and nights are nothing to us."

All the other divine gods nodded in agreement at the old man's words. Soon enough, their anger began to subside and they lost the urge to hurry.

In the abandoned cosmos, within the inner space of the Space Gate, the gnome sat cross legged and carefully controlled the Space Gate, completely focused on dodging the constant attacks from the big hands trying to grab on.

Blood began to seep out from the corner of his mouth as his face turned ashier by the second. Every breath he took was becoming weaker and weaker.

Death was already knocking on his door.

"You've been holding on for a day and a night. You're dying!


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