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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 337

Of course, Austin heard everything that the two girls said under their breath.

Austin was amused. The two beautiful women seemed to be very convinced that he was a beggar.

Well, they were the ones who offered to treat him for a meal. This was very nice of them and a pleasure for Austin, too. He found no reason to refuse.

"Little begga-- I mean, young man," she corrected herself, "we ordered a little too much food and we can't seem to finish it. Come and eat with us!"

The girl in a red dress said. Her voice was crisp and pleasant like the song of an Oriole. The vibrancy of her personality reflected in the way she talked so quickly.

"Yes, please join us!"

the girl in a white dress echoed, looking straight at Austin's eyes.

Everything around her seemed to blur the instant Austin caught sight of her.

He stared, startled.

She was about 17 or 18 years old. Her skin was pale and delicate as snow. Her eyebrows were neatly plucked, framing her beautiful eyes. Her dress clung lightly to her body, accentuating her slender figure. She radiated an aura of youthful freshness. She reminded him of pear flowers.

The girl in red, on the other hand, reminded him of hibiscus, who was equally beautiful but with fiery energy that pierced through anyone's heart, in contrast to the gentle touch of the girl in white.

They were both quite stunning.

"Well then, I would love to help," Austin said as he stepped into the inn, following the two girls as they walked back to the lounge. On a seat near the window, they all sat down.

Austin's gritty look somewhat bothered the innkeeper and his employees. Their first instinct was to ask him to go out. Upon the sight of the two girls he was with, however, they decided to eventually allow him entry.

The moment they sat down, a middle-aged man approached and whispered to the two girls. "Miss, I don't think that what you are doing is a good idea. Please be careful when traveling. You don't know who the hobo you are dining with is. He shouldn't even be in here," he said.

The middle-aged man was clearly something of a caretaker. He seemed to be in charge of keeping the girls safe.

"Mike, it's okay. Don't worry. When he's done eating, we will ask him to leave and go on his way," the girl in a white dress reasoned, frowning.

"Yeah, Mike, you don't have to worry about it," the girl in a red dress confirmed.

Mike, the middle-aged man, knew of the two ladies' privileged upbringing. They had been pampered their whole lives and were accustomed to having their way. Persuading them to do otherwise was close to impossible. This said, he realized that it would be a futile attempt to try to convince them not to dine with the stranger. Out of options, he glared at Austin, as if to warn him, and then retreated to a nearby table.

Austin just smiled. To be honest, he didn't really care what the man thought.

"Treat yourself, have whatever you want!"

the girl in a red dress said.

"Haha, thank you, ladies. I am gonna dig in then," he replied lightheartedly.

Austin could barely remember the last time he had a good meal. Immediately, with all the delicious food in front of him. Austin munched enthusiastically.

He deliberately made a mess of eating as oily sauces spattered all over the table.

The two girls smiled. They looked amused at the novel sight before them.

Surrounding diners started to give Austin strange looks, partly disturbed and partly envious.

Several men spotted the two beautiful girls but dared not approach as they were accompanied by a large group of bodyguards. Everyone assumed that they came from a very prominent family.

No one could have expected that a dirty, penniless beggar would be the one given the privilege of dining with the two beautiful women.

'What the hell? What did that hobo do to suddenly get close to those pretty ladies?' they thought.

They glared at Austin. They were so envious that they looked as if they were ready to tear him apart any minute.

Austin, being fully aware of the situation, could not help but stifle a laugh.

The old saying that goes 'beautiful women are trouble' was true, after all. They managed to turn a relaxed cafe into a possible riot zone with all the big men turning towards a poor beggar.

Soon, Austin finished eating all the food on the table. Satisfied, he stood and laughed as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"I had a great time, ladies. Thank you so much for your kindness. Goodbye!" he said

and he immediately made his exit.

The two girls were stunned. They looked at the empty plates before them and could not believe their eyes. There was so much food on the table. It was almost enough to feed both of them for four to five days. Still, the beggar managed to finish it all in just a few moments!

The girl in a white dress smiled as she watched Austin trot away.

"Wow, he's really a free-spirited guy," she commented.


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