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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 338

It was midnight. Austin was following the group of carriages of the two girls. They were heading to C Village. The whole village was tranquil when they came and the only source of light for everyone were the few weakly lighted lamps scarcely scattered in the darkness. Thus, it was easy to tell that there were people in this village.

Following Mike, they all walked along the main street of that place. They could only hear the sound of carriages moving forward and occasional neighs of horses. Their arrival was like a stone being thrown to a tranquil lake as it broke the dead silence of the village.

Austin was secretly tailing them as he walked behind the houses.

Not long after, more than ten people of the Blood Wolf Team also arrived at the village entrance. They got off their horses and tied the animals on trees outside the village. Then using their skills, they silenced their steps and entered the village too.

Austin was immediately lost in thought as soon as he stepped into the place. Millions of things suddenly flooded his mind before he mumbled, "There's something wrong about this village!"

He took a deep breath and smelt the faint scent of blood in the air. He couldn't be wrong, it was human blood! It was obvious that someone got killed in here.

Did it just happen today?

They walked along the quiet main street and didn't even try to hide. However, it was odd that there wasn't even one person coming out of their house to greet them or ask about why they were there in such unholy hour. Weird. Had everyone in this village fallen into a deep sleep? Wasn't there anyone in this village who was still awake?

The silence was too uncomfortable. There wasn't even any barking dogs nor cloaking chickens. It was absolutely not normal.

Moreover, the weak lights they saw when they were still outside the village were suddenly turned off as soon as they entered. The combination of darkness and silence were pricking everyone's skin.

Strange and weird weren't even enough to describe what was going on. Certainly, something happened in this village!

Using his spiritual sense, Austin tried to know what was going on around him. The village wasn't that big and Austin's spiritual sense could cover up to three kilometers from where he stood. It was easy for him to envelop the whole village with his skill and feel everything inside it.

And just as Austin expected, he felt that there were people around the whole village. They were all hiding! Some were behind the windows which were facing the main street and some were in the corners of their houses. There were also a few who were in the cow stables and chicken houses.

There were about forty to fifty of them and they were all observing the passing group of carriages.

With the look of it, it seemed that they were already secretly surrounded as soon as they entered the place.

On top of this, Austin also sensed something that was both infuriating and frustrating. There were a few dead bodies lying on the ground inside each house; men, women, old ones, children, and even babies! None of them was left with life at all!

It seemed that the Blood Wolf Team had killed everyone in the village just to secretly wait for them to come! They were just so brutal and cruel.

It was only at that point that someone from the group realized how odd things were.


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