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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 342

"Shut up! I don't care who you are. I'm the Wolf General of the Blood Wolf Team. I showed mercy to you and tried to let you go, but you wasted the opportunity.

You're a good vital energy refiner. Though you're young, you are at the premium stage of Earth Realm.

Still, don't you dare think that you can challenge the members of our Blood Wolf Team.

We have at least more than ten cultivators at the Mysterious Realm.

Besides, I don't think you can reach the premium stage of Earth Realm at such a young age as yours. You must have taken many elixirs to help you get a breakthrough and reach this realm," the man said in contempt.

With a wave of his hand, he gave a snort and went on, "Even without the help from our powerful cultivators at the Mysterious Realm, I can take you down without any difficulty.

So, remember you should not mess with any member of the Blood Wolf Team.

That's all I want to tell you. Keep it in mind as a warning. It's up to you now. You can choose to stay here further or leave."

'Well, how surprising! I never thought that things would take such a turn. This man is the Wolf General of Blood Wolf Team. I already took care of the other wolf generals earlier, and I wouldn't mind killing another one. He is digging his own grave, ' Austin thought in scorn.

The Wolf General's advice and threat didn't work on Austin. Instead of getting scared, the young lad studied the Wolf General from head to toe. 'I'm going to take his life. I'm sure Abbott would be pissed off after he learns about his underlying's death. What would he do?' Austin thought, smiling to himself.

"What? Little Beggar, you... you reached the premium stage of the Earth Realm?"

"Little Beggar! Are you also a cultivator?"

Female voices full of astonishment and disbelief resonated from the carriage and reached Austin's ears. The maid in red and the maid in white seemed to be thunderstruck by this revelation.

Austin burst into laughter as if he had heard a ridiculous and hilarious joke.

"You must be kidding!? Interesting. Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

You're the Wolf General of Blood Wolf Team, yet you allow me to leave! Does that really make any sense? Don't be ridiculous. Have you forgotten your task?"

"Our task?" the Wolf General repeated, stunned at Austin's words.

He started to think about his mission. 'What was this guy talking about?'

"That's none of your business. You...? Are...... you.... Austin?"

The thought suddenly occurred to the Wolf General that the lad standing before him might be the one person whom the whole Blood Wolf Team hated the most.

With a frown on his face, he whipped out a scroll. He keenly looked at the portrait under the light of the torch. He realized everything now.

"I see. So, you are Austin!

Attention guys! He is the one we are after. Don't let him run away," he instructed.

His men had already struck down all the escorts who were hired to protect people inside the carriage.

Blood Wolf Team followed one principle—kill all the targets.

When the warriors who escorted the two maids got to know that these robbers were from the Blood Wolf Team which was powerful enough to compete against all the five biggest sects of Violet Orchid Empire, they panicked and got demoralized. Even before there was a fight, they had lost their spirits. So there was no way that they could survive facing those cold-blooded killers.

In a blink of an eye, more than forty men of the Blood Wolf Team surrounded the carriage where Austin, Mike and the two maids were. All the men stared at Austin with a fierce look in their eyes.

All those men who were on this mission to pursue Austin were the elite members of the Blood Wolf Team.

It was for the first time that the Blood Wolf Team had sent so many of its best members to carry out a task. When assigned the mission, they had thought that their target was a dangerous, powerful cultivator.

But to their astonishment and disappointment, their target was a harmless, good-looking youth. They felt it was a job accomplished!

All the members of the Blood Wolf Team were speechless. Some even started to whine. 'What's wrong with our superiors? We're the best cultivators in our team. The target is just a little brat. This is an easy task. Why did they order us to take a teenager's life? They made such a big deal of this. They were so insistent that we complete our mission early. To finish our task as soon as possible, we haven't slept or eaten well in the past few days.'

Mike and the two maids were unaware about the reason of the rivalry between Austin and the Blood Wolf Team.

"Little beggar, are you really a powerful cultivator at the premium stage of the Earth Realm?"


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