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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 343

He had presumed that beating Austin would be a piece of cake, what with him being the master of the medium stage of the Earth Realm in Blood Wolf Team. Unfortunately, he had grossly underestimated his opponent. Not only did Austin defeat him, he actually executed him with just one blow to his chest.

All the disciples standing around were astonished at the sudden turn of events.

As they made sense of the events, a voice rang out in the crowd.

"Hey, you! How dare you kill Fred right in front of me? The sheer audacity! You've killed too many of the Blood Wolf Team. You need to be put in your rightful place, now. Enough is enough! You are dead.

Guards, take the two girls and the old one away. As for this little bastard, I'll deal with him myself."

The fifth Wolf General ordered loudly. Austin had tested his patience one too many. He had to be killed.

The disciples of Blood Wolf Team gathered together in a crowd, safely protected by their size as well as the anonymous nature of a crowd.

"Come on, you fools! You'll all be dead today anyway! Fight like you belong to the Blood Wolf Team!"

Austin had already told Violet with his mind to protect the two girls who were sitting inside the carriage. Violet had promptly appeared beside the carriage with a green light, ready for combat.

Austin laughed loudly as if mocking the fifth Wolf General. He then drew his sacred long sword out and activated it. He pushed the sword forward with his internal force and let it take up its own momentum. Immediately more than thirty sword-lights rushed out towards the enemy ready to turn them into ashes.

Every single sword-light was filled of Austin's powerful vital energy force.


"Ah, ah!"

The disciples screamed in agony when they were inflicted by the inescapable sword-lights.

A dozen of disciples in the cultivation base of the Energy Gathering Realm were killed instantly.

He, the fifth Wolf General didn't expect Austin to have such an impact. Countless men were killed in a matter of moments. Austin was getting onto his nerves, and the fifth Wolf General was desperate to retort with vengeance.

"Little bastard, how dare you? You'll go straight to hell! Die, asshole!"

He shouted, and then raised his hand. At the same time, a blood-red, monstrous wolf claw appeared over his body. Immediately, Austin was surrounded by the winds. These winds were laden with the nauseating smell of blood and the strong force aura.

Austin had no time to react for these events happened as quick as a lightning.

Austin was hit with an unstoppable force by the bloody wolf claw.

"Oh, no!

Austin! No!"

The two girls in the carriage screamed.

"Ha ha ha! Look at him, the little bastard. This incompetent ass. A piece of shit!" The fifth Wolf General sneered. His laughter echoed in the air. .

And then, to everyone's utter shock, unlike how it usually happens when hit by the hurricane a wolf palm raises, Austin wasn't torn apart. He was still standing tall!

The hurricane had evidently passed through Austin's body as if he wasn't there.

What happened next was completely unexpected. Austin disappeared in thin air, leaving behind a puff of smoke.

Shadows! It were those goddamned shadows!

The fifth Wolf General realized that he hadn't hit Austin but his shadow.

It took a few minutes for the fifth Wolf General to gain an understanding of what had just transpired. However, his gut feeling told him there was something dangerous right around the corner.

He didn't know what it was but he was sure it was some strong internal force.

He pushed himself forward with an immeasurable strength and rushed out ahead, covering a distance of six meters in a jiffy.

For the uninitiated, it would have taken them some time to take stock of the situation and then decide on a plan of action. But, the fifth Wolf General was experienced and he knew what to do.


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