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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3423

After some time, they finally caught better sight of the palace. From the looks of it, that place was inhabited.

While Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone carefully surveyed the place, a large, strong-looking man garbed in animal skin suddenly appeared at the gates of the palace.

He looked at the three strangers with suspicion.

As he narrowed his eyes at them, the brawny man asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Several figures suddenly came rushing out from different sides of the palace.

"What's going on here?"

In the blink of an eye, more than ten creatures showed up and surrounded Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone.

It turned out that they were all divine gods.

"Well..." As the creatures closed in on them, the three cultivators took a step back and looked at each other, dumbfounded.

They glanced at each of the divine gods in front of them and tried to size them up. In a hushed voice, they muttered, "What now?"

'This is the Fallen Divine Valley.

As far as I know, this is one of the most dangerous places in the Sea of Chaos.

If that's the case, how could creatures be living here? Their auras make it obvious that they're incredibly powerful. They're likely to be preliminary-grade and medium-grade divine gods, so what are they doing here?'

All three of them thought the same thing in their minds.

Finally, Ingram communicated with Austin and Tyrone through his spiritual sense.

"We have to deal with them with great caution, so we have to pay attention to whatever they're doing. These people seem to be very powerful. We'd better be careful not to provoke them."

"You're right. We have to be on guard."

Austin and Tyrone both agreed.

After discussing, Ingram slowly walked up to the creatures before them.

He bowed his head and cupped his hands in front of him as a show of respect.

"Good sirs, we don't mean you any harm. We came here by accident."

As Ingram spoke, Austin and Tyrone followed him and stood beside him.

A dozen divine gods looked at the three of them warily.

Finally, a middle-aged man responded, "I see. You must have just passed the test and went straight here.

However, this palace is already crammed with people. There's no place for you here.

You may now leave and find another place to live in."

He then motioned the three strangers to vacate the premises.

Hearing this, Ingram was stunned. "Wait! Find a place to live?

Sir, you must have misunderstood.

We have no plans of settling down here. We have to keep moving."

Ingram tried to sound as polite as he could.

"Hmm. Keep moving? You can't be serious.

Let me tell you something. I went through that test one million years ago. That damn Yaksha didn't make it easy, but I passed that test and came here.

At that time, I was also ambitious and prepared to keep moving so I could explore the Fallen Divine Valley—like you three are doing now.

However, there would always be consequences for your actions. I came here, and yet I have been trapped in this damn place for more than a million years!"

the strong-looking man in beast hide sneered.

He was the first to spot Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone lurking by the gate.

'What? No way!'

Austin screamed in his mind. In his shock, his eyes looked wide open.

'He'd been trapped here a million years? Is this guy serious? He's kidding, right?'

The brawny man looked impatient. "All right, all right. You'd better leave now.

You're disturbing our cultivation," he said as he gestured at the three strangers to leave.

Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone stood there, perplexed. They had a million questions to ask. However, just when they were about to open their mouths, the look on the strong-looking man's face had suddenly changed into a more fearsome expression. They decided to back off and give it up, so they cupped their hands and bowed their heads, and hurriedly turned their backs away from the divine gods.

Before they could even leave, they heard a loud voice come from behind them. "Wait. Come back here," a short and thin divine god called for the three. He then turned to the brawny man.

"Magee, I know you're a good man. But rules are rules. No one can just come here and break them."

When the thin man shifted his gaze towards Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone, he added, "You three are new here, so you have to follow the rules. There's no exception."

His face suddenly looked grim. "The rule is simple. Newcomers should surrender every magic treasure and cultivation resources they have in their possession.

And since you decided to come here,"

he said, gradually leering, "you have to hand them over to us."

Every word he uttered sounded so malicious while he talked to the three strangers in front of him.

The moment he finished his sentence, he released a terrifying aura and directed it at Austin, Ingram, and Tyrone, as though he was threatening them to cave in.

He was thin and short, but his aura was so powerful that they easily recognized that he was a medium-grade divine god. They had to step back.

"S-sir, what are you doing?" all three of them asked in shock.


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