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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3424

'Did he say Otis Wen? Isn't that the legendary marshal from the folk stories in my country?'

Austin thought as he looked at the tall man.

According to ancient legends of Brilliant Kingdom on Earth where Austin was from, there were four great marshals. They were Marshal Reg, Marshal Adair, Marshal Otis, and Marshal Bevis. This time, they were meeting one of them.

"Mr. Otis, these two were also from the three thousand big and small universes. We're actually together when we entered the Fallen Divine Valley,"

Tyrone said as he introduced Ingram and Austin.

"I see. All of you are from the three thousand big and small universes, huh?"

Otis took a quick glance at Ingram and Austin.

"For now, let's go inside so we could talk properly.

I know you just arrived here, so you must have many questions," Otis said to the three.

"Oh, and Bill, they're acquaintances of mine. I'm afraid you should let it go."

Otis turned back and looked at Bill with a fair warning.

Obviously, Bill was disappointed. He didn't want to waste the opportunity to take advantage of the newcomers.

But in the end, he didn't have a choice, so he snorted coldly and left eventually.

The other divine gods also went back to their own places.

Otis then led Austin, Ingram and Tyrone into his room in their palace.

The palace where he stayed was very spacious and dozens of rooms could be found in it.

As soon as they sat down, Otis didn't hold back his sigh.

"You guys are too reckless. What were you thinking when you entered the Fallen Divine Valley? Do you know how dangerous this place is? It's easy to get in here, but it's extremely difficult to get out.

Just look at me. I've been trapped in this place for more than a million years!

If you're not lucky enough, I'm afraid you'll end up like me. In the meantime, you'll stay here and accompany me."

It was obvious that he was disappointed by the actions of the three young men, but it was not his place to get angry since he also did what they just did.

"Mr. Otis, you were stuck in this place for more than a million years?"

Ingram couldn't help but ask as he couldn't believe what he heard the first time Otis mentioned it.

"Yes, you heard that right.

It was indeed a long time ago when I left the three thousand big and small universes. I traveled around the Sea of Chaos and didn't stay in one place for long.

Then, I happened to break into the Fallen Divine Valley with a few of my friends. Ever since then, I have been stuck here and couldn't find a way out,"

Otis replied as he reminisced what had happened a million years ago.

"But why? I mean, what is with this place? Why can't everyone get out?"

Tyrone asked impatiently.

"You just passed a test when you entered here, right? All creatures must keep passing the tests if they want to keep moving.

That's the only way out of here.

Now, if they fail, like us, they would be trapped in here. Well, of course, you could re-take the test, but it doesn't mean that it'll get easier the next time around.

Moreover, there's a terrible rule existing in here saying that if one couldn't pass the test after one million and five hundred thousand years upon arriving here, he or she would be eradicated—body and soul,"

Otis explained further.

The three looked at each other as they gasped in astonishment at what they heard.

"What exactly is this Fallen Divine Valley? What are these tests for and who established those rules?"

"You mean to say that the Fallen Divine Valley is a place for trials?"

"That's insane. So there are extremely powerful beings manipulating this place?"

The three threw several questions at Otis in succession.

"The truth is I don't know either.

What I told you is everything that I know. I may have stayed in this place for more than a million years but those are just the things that are known to us.

Since I failed the test, I have been cultivating so hard to improve my strength.

I have actually repeated the test many times that I've already lost count.

To be exact, I've been here for one million and three hundred thousand years already.

If I still fail the test in the next two hundred thousand years, I will completely vanish. Both my body and soul would be terminated,"

Otis said in frustration.

"Mr. Otis, even you can't pass the test.

Then how are we going to make it? I mean, we're much inferior to you."

Austin couldn't help but blurt out his own thoughts.

Otis was in fact a medium-grade divine god.

On the other hand, the three young men only had the strength of preliminary-grade divine gods.

"You don't have to worry about that,"

Otis quickly replied as he forgot to mention one interesting detail about the tests.

"Your cultivation base isn't really a factor here. It doesn't necessarily mean that if one has a higher cultivation level, he would be able to pass the test easily.

A specific trial is assigned to every person.

It is also said that the higher someone's cultivation base, the more difficult it would be for him to pass the test.

Meaning, the test contents are usually easier for weaker cultivators.

In short, it solely depends on one's talent and character.


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