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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3437

On the edge of the abyss, there were ten people, including Austin, Otis, Ingram and Tyrone, standing close to the cliff.

"I wish everyone to pass the test successfully!"

Otis said, looking at everyone in the crowd.

"But the most important thing is to survive. If we can't succeed, we must admit defeat and surrender in time or the consequences could be dire and may even cost your life.

At worst, we can do it over again, next time.

As long as we remain alive, there are many other chances for us to take it again.

Of course, it is still the best if everyone could succeed this time!"

Otis added.

"Besides, if you can successfully pass the test, you'd better wait for the others to emerge from the other side.

There must be a lot more dangerous tests waiting for us in the Fallen Divine Valley.

We are all friends now. If we stay together and fight together, maybe we will have a better chance of winning,"

Otis continued.

"That makes sense."

The rest nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go."

As soon as he finished his words, Otis was the first to step on the wooden bridge crossing the abyss and then disappeared in an instant.

"Again, I wish everyone to successfully pass the test!"

Magee was the second to rush in and disappeared in the thick fog.

Then, the others also stepped on the wooden bridge one by one.

"Look, there are so many people trying to pass the test together. What's going on with them?"

"Have they found the way to pass it? Unbelievable!"

"Ha ha... It isn't easy for anyone to find a way to pass the test, is it?

If there really was an easy way, I would not have been trapped here for a million years! Imagine that!"

In the distance, countless divine gods were talking about it.

It was Austin's turn, as the fifth one to cross the wooden bridge.

He had barely reached the middle when a figure appeared in front of him.

A young man who looked exactly like Austin stood there without any expression and looked at Austin calmly.


Without saying another word, Austin drew out his sword and rushed forward.


Almost at the same time, his opponent also drew out a long sword and rushed towards Austin with the same move.

For a long time, they were locked in a fierce battle, shaking the bridge wildly.

Before they knew it, they had been fighting for more than half a year!

Half a year later...

"Ha ha, that's awesome!

Thank you for practicing with me. My fighting skills have greatly improved!


I don't have to stay here a minute longer and waste any more time.

Next, I will pass the test, well prepared!"

Austin burst into laughter.

Practicing his fighting skills in the past six months, Austin felt that it was time well spent.

The opponent in front of him had the same martial arts skills and moves as him. He was his own best opponent to improve his strength.

In fact, it was a very rare opportunity for a warrior to fight himself. Austin needed it, as there were very few other warriors that could duplicate his skills and moves so that he could practice.

In the past six months, during the battle, he had been thinking of how to defeat himself. In the process he could figure out not only his strengths, but also his own weaknesses.

Such a battle had made Austin have a clearer and deeper understanding of himself!

"Oh, are you going to pass the test now?

That was quite a confident declaration.

But how sure are you now that you are able to defeat yourself?"

the opponent who looked exactly like Austin asked with a faint smile.


Don't think about playing this trick on me again.

It's useless.

You are you, and I am me.

No matter how well you copy me, you are still not me."

Austin smiled faintly, and his eyes were unusually clear.


Austin rushed forward.

He began to wield his long sword again, and the sharp sword radiance rushed forward like flowing water.

Within a split second, his opponent also used the same move. Streaks of sword-light rapidly came at Austin.

At that moment, just as their swords were about to collide with each other, Austin made a quick move and used the Reincarnation Token.

In an instant, he disappeared.


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