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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3438

After a while, the teleportation power disappeared, and Austin steadied himself.

He then began to survey his surroundings.

There were endless mountain ranges ahead of him. Lush grasses and towering old trees were everywhere. He could hear the low growls of fierce beasts every now and then, while massive birds flapped their wings, which casted great shadows on the mountains.

There was a huge and unfathomable abyss behind him, which was shrouded by a thick fog.

A broken wooden bridge hung above the deep abyss. However, he could not see the other end of the bridge due to the dense mist.

Austin knew that he had come from the other side of the deep abyss.

On the other side was the mountainous area where a large number of divine gods were trapped.

Austin landed on an imposing mountain nearby. As he looked into the distance, there was nothing but mountains that occupied a vast area of land.

"I can't believe there's another mysterious mountain range waiting for me," he murmured to himself.

"Come on. Do I have to take the test again in this area?"

Austin couldn't help but complain.

"Well, I'll look around first and see what's going on here,"

Austin said as he turned around to glance at the abyss.

So far, he was the only one who had succeeded in passing the test.

He assumed that the others were still in the middle of the process.

There was simply no way of telling how long Otis and the others would take, or if they were even going to make it.

At that point, it was difficult to say.

Thus, he decided to explore the vicinity for the meantime.

Austin used his bodily movement skill to cross the mountains as fast as he could.

All of a sudden, a bird from afar fluttered towards him.

It was just the size of a fist, and it had purple feathers all over its body.

At first, Austin didn't pay much attention to it. He hit the bird with his palm, so it would get out of his way.


The moment he hit the bird, his whole body shook violently, and he was forced to take a few steps back.

He furrowed his eyebrows and instantly became alert. It turned out that the bird was as powerful as a preliminary-grade divine god.

"Seriously? Even a bird here is as strong as a preliminary-grade divine god?" Austin uttered with a wry smile.

As he took a closer look, he saw that the bird had a human face! It stared at him angrily for a short while and flew away.

Because of that instance, Austin became more vigilant.

Half a day later, black mountains came into his view.

They were all enveloped in an eerie, black mist.

There were dozens of black mountains in total, and each of them soared into the clouds and looked daunting.

"Hmm. Is this..."

Austin stared at the mountains suspiciously. 'These black mountains are covered in black mist. Something strange is going on in here, ' he analyzed with a frown.

Soon, the sound of flowing water reached his ears.

Then, he saw a long black river among the black mountains. It was dark and lifeless, which made him feel uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, rogue waves surged into the air. He could not track down where it came from or where it ended. Moreover, a myriad of skeletons floated on its surface from time to time. The white skeletons were in contrast with the pitch blackness of the river, which disturbed him completely.

"What's that?

It looks like a spring with yellow water."

As Austin looked further, he caught sight of a big spring by the side of the black river. Yellow water gushed out of the spring and formed a large pool nearby.

"Hmm. Based on the terrain, I reckon this place is fraught with extreme dangers."

Austin looked ahead and felt nervous.

When he was on the Earth, he had collected a large number of ancient books about Feng Shui and geography in the Brilliant Kingdom. He had studied them in-depth and had learnt a lot from reading them from time to time.

Because of the knowledge gained from books, he became proficient at the Earth Exploring Technique. In addition, he knew all kinds of legendary mysterious lands of death and lands of danger.

"The black Death Mountains, the black Death River, and the Death Spring. Is this an Evil Nest or a receptacle of corpses?" Austin speculated as he scrutinized the area.

He felt a chill run down from his spine.

According to some of the ancient books that he had read, there were some great masters who were unwilling to face death. Therefore, before they died, they used distinct omnipotent skills to create Evil Nests that could nourish corpses, and even prevent them from rotting using evil energy.


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