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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3451

"But that broken mountain looks horrible.

It looks like it's going to absorb my spiritual soul if I stare at it for too long,"

Magee muttered.

"Maybe, in many lands of death, both life and death rely on each other.

Therefore, the most dangerous place could be the way out.

As the saying goes, 'The person facing the danger of death will fight to live',"

Austin said.

"Well, let's go. We have no other choice!

This place is much too dangerous.

If we keep going like this, I'm afraid some of us will get hurt sooner or later. Or worse, we will lose our lives."

Then Austin activated the Geomancy Compass and moved towards the broken black mountain.

"Austin, aren't we going to look for Master Frost and Divine Swordsman?

They might just be somewhere around here,"

Ingram asked.

The others also looked at Austin. Ingram had a point.

There was no doubt that Austin was the one who made the decisions for the whole team and the rest merely followed.

"I can feel the Divine Swordsman's sword aura left on that mountain!

There is a strong possibility that they had been there.

Maybe they also found that mountain could be the way out of here,"

Austin said, pointing to a group of towering mountains in the distance.

Austin observed the mountain with his Earth Eye Skill and the Eye of the Ghostdom Ancestor. He did feel some traces of Divine Swordsman's sword aura coming from that direction, like a faint ping of a radar.

Most of Austin's sword arts were from Divine Swordsman, so he was quite familiar with his sword aura.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go there, Austin."

Hearing his words, the others finally let go of their worries. Anything was better than walking around in circles without any direction. If there was indeed a portal in that mountain that would get them out of the land of death, it was worth a try.

"Let's go."

Austin activated the Geomancy Compass and Layne's Ruler and took the lead.

The Reincarnation Token floated above his head, emitting circles of light that enveloped everyone like a glowing bubble that followed them every step of the way.

Everyone could tell that it was an advanced chaotic magic treasure. They felt amazed and curious.

However, they also knew that this was one of his trump cards, so they did not feel the need to ask.

In no time, the black mountain was in front of them, in full sight.

Under the guidance of the Geomancy Compass, Austin led the group forward in a straight line.


Look! There is a big lake ahead."

Everyone stopped.

A big body of water was in the way.

In the middle of the lake, there were an octagonal pavilion and a tortuous bridge. This bridge connected the pavilion to both sides of the lake, all the way to its shores.

They walked to the edge of the lake and looked at the clear water. Simply staring at the calm and clear water gave them a sense of peace and even happiness. The stress, anxiety and the looming sense of death in their hearts immediately disappeared.

However, unknown to them, Austin had a bad feeling about it. It seemed too good to be true.

Moreover, the golden needle on the Geomancy Compass suddenly began to rotate crazily.

"It's going berserk again. Is there anything wrong with the lake?"

Austin murmured to himself.

This abnormal phenomenon of the Geomancy Compass was called the Chaotic Needle.

It meant that something evil could be lurking nearby. They had to avoid it in time, or the consequences would be very serious! After all, they were still in the land of death.

Before Austin could say anything to warn his companions, things happened.

"What the... What's going on?

I see my junior fellow sister in the pavilion! How is this possible?

She is waving at me!

Did she enter into the Fallen Divine Valley and was also trapped in this land of death?

Hello, I'm here!"

Beside Otis, a medium-grade divine god suddenly rushed forward and wanted to step onto the bridge on the lake.

"Master Wheeler, you can't go. What you see is merely an illusion! You have to fight it! Don't let it fool you!"

Austin cried out in panic.


Fortunately, Otis and Bernie were able to grab Wheeler on both sides.

"Why are you stopping me? Let me go!

Look, there is a woman standing in the pavilion. She is my junior fellow sister. Don't you see her?

I didn't expect that she would enter the Fallen Divine Valley.

Hey there! I'm Wheeler. Do you see me? I'm here!"

Wheeler struggled to rush towards the lake.

The others looked hard at the pavilion and didn't see anyone.

Otis and Bernie grabbed Wheeler more tightly.

"What? Why are you wearing a wedding gown?


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