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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3528

"What are you waiting for? Break this space immediately!

We need to find that tree as soon as possible!" a junior leader of the gods of darkness shouted at the divine gods.

"All right. Let's do it together!"

The other divine gods responded actively. They were very eager to break the space where the chaotic world tree was hiding until it showed up.

A large number of gods of darkness, as well as creatures from the isolated alien spaces, quickly gathered and surrounded the said space. They activated their divine powers one after another, ready to smash the space at any time.

In the distance, seeing that a large group of divine gods suddenly gather, Peterson immediately knew that something wrong was going on. With their location, he assumed that they might have discovered where the chaotic world tree was hiding.

"Everyone! Listen to me. We have to stop those bastards! We can't let them destroy the space where the chaotic world tree is located!"

He secretly sent an urgent message to the other gods of light nearby.

Upon receiving Peterson's message, the gods of light cheered up as they were also itching for battle. They couldn't wait to crush the gods of darkness who had been a thorn in their flesh since a long time ago.

At the same time, in a certain chaotic void of the three thousand big and small universes, a space barrier suddenly began to tremble. The space surrounding it started to distort.

Then, from the void, Austin stepped out.

'Finally, I'm back, '

Austin said in his thoughts as complex emotions surged from within his heart.

He immediately released his spiritual sense to perceive the situation. In just a few seconds, he realized the general state of the three thousand big and small universes.

"Hey, brat! You're back at last!

You've got to help me. I'm in a total bind!

A large group of divine gods has surrounded me. I won't be able to escape this unscathed!"

The chaotic world tree immediately sent a message to Austin through its spiritual sense as soon as it sensed his aura. It felt so surprised and pleased that he suddenly appeared at this crucial moment.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of them. You can relax now."

Upon knowing that the chaotic world tree was still safe and sound, Austin felt so relieved. A huge chunk of heaviness in his heart was lifted.

He was grateful that he decided to come back ahead of time, or he might have regretted it.

"Really? Relax?

Boy, I appreciate your confidence and courage, but you don't seem to understand the situation!

What are you going to do? Face all of them by yourself? There are so many of them!

Just get in here and help me get out of this place.

Brat, let me just remind you that if something terrible happens to me, your beloved Fallen Immortal Cosmos will also suffer!" the chaotic world tree said anxiously to Austin.

It didn't think that Austin had the strength to defeat the divine gods that had invaded its location. Instead of fighting them off, it just wished that he helped it escape from there.

"Come on. Have a little faith in me, will you?

I said that I'll protect you, so trust my words," Austin consoled the chaotic world tree as he wore a huge smile on his face.

"For now, I'll enjoy killing these bastards who did nothing but caused trouble for us!"

He then gazed across the area with strong killing intent in his eyes.

His blood boiled while he was thinking about what could have happened if he hadn't come back in time.

The consequences would definitely be severe. There was a huge chance that he might have lost the chaotic world tree, as well as the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

Now, he wanted to make sure that these divine gods that plotted against them, while he was away, would learn their lesson.

"Brat! Don't act recklessly!

There's a much better way to do this!" The chaotic world tree's voice echoed in Austin's Soul Sea.

However, Austin just smirked and ignored the chaotic world tree's suggestion. Instead, he rushed forward and vanished in an instant. He didn't have the slightest intention of running away.

Austin activated his Chaotic Striding Boots and the Peerless Lightness Skill. As a result, he was able to move incredibly fast that his speed even surpassed that of a medium-grade divine god.

Meanwhile, the group of gods of darkness and creatures from the isolated alien spaces, which were looking for the chaotic world tree, was already prepared to strike with great forces to break the surrounding space.

"Once we find that tree, the Fallen Immortal Cosmos will also fall in our hands. Now, with that leverage, we'll use that to take Austin down!"

"Yeah! I also heard that Austin had wives that were as beautiful as fairies. I would surely like a piece of that!"

The divine gods talked about their evil intentions once they succeeded with their mission.

However, right at that moment, a figure that seemed like a ghost suddenly appeared behind the divine god that talked about the wives of Austin.

'What's happening?!'

The divine god suddenly felt a chill as an extremely dangerous aura instantly enveloped him.

He knew that someone or something was behind him, but he couldn't move to take a look because his movements were restrained as if his body became frozen.

He tried his hardest to rush forward, but it was too late.


A big hand grabbed the divine god from behind. With the strong pressure from being grasped by the big hand, his bones started to break.


The divine god screamed in pain and horror that echoed throughout the surrounding space.


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