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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3529

Crash! Splat!

Several bodies of preliminary-grade divine gods were constantly hit by Austin's vicious attacks and exploded one after another.

As for the medium-grade divine gods, Austin decided that it wasn't the time to confront them yet. He planned on eliminating the weaker ones first before he shifted his focus on them.

Besides, it was so easy for him to evade the preliminary-grade divine gods. With his extremely quick bodily movement skill, no one could catch up to him, and no one could also escape from him.

Trying to prevent Austin from further killing the preliminary-grade divine gods, several medium-grade divine gods tried to block and surround him.

However, Austin just instantly vanished and continued hunting the weaker divine gods, disappearing and appearing here and there.

There was no way for the medium-grade divine gods to catch up to Austin.

"Damn it! Run for your lives!

Get away as far as you can from that merciless devil!" the medium-grade divine gods shouted as they gave up from chasing Austin.

All the preliminary-grade divine gods from the god of darkness side and the isolated alien spaces were totally freaked out. They screamed as they fled and dispersed in all directions.

None of them dared to look back and face Austin anymore. They would be walking towards their death if they did.

With what was happening, the chaotic world tree took the opportunity to escape. All the divine gods that were previously surrounding the space where it was hiding were now gone.

It quietly moved to another space and hid very well.

The gods of darkness and the creatures from the isolated alien spaces had no time to care about the chaotic world tree right now. They needed to keep their eyes on Austin or they would be killed.

"Where do you think you cowards are going?!" Austin roared as he saw them quickly fleeing from the battlefield.

"It's futile. You can't escape from me!"

As soon as he said that, he chased after the preliminary-grade divine gods.

Austin activated his bodily movement skill to the extreme. He moved so fast that only his shadow could be seen. His body flickered here and there, killing every preliminary-grade divine god in his way.

"No! Aaargh!"

"Stop it!" All the preliminary-grade divine gods screamed in helplessness.

"How dare you kill our people like livestock!

You're going to regret this.

You deserve to die miserably!" the thoroughly-odd beast roared in rage as it saw its subordinates being slaughtered in front of its eyes.

It decided to make its move. Its humongous body, which was as large as a planet, rushed towards Austin. The whole chaotic void shook violently as its gigantic body paved the way.

"Brat! I'm going to burn you alive!" The fire-disaster beast was also infuriated to the extreme and couldn't take it anymore.

Enormous flames rose from its colossal body, like a cloud of fire, as it rushed and tried to pounce on Austin.

However, the leaders of the gods of light wouldn't let them have their way.

"Hey, you two ugly beasts! What do you think you're doing? Are you going to bully Austin with your big fat bodies?

You'll have to deal with us first!"

Upon seeing that Austin suddenly came back with even more astonishing power, Peterson and Morphy couldn't be happier. As the young man was doing his best to eliminate so many divine gods by himself, they immediately rushed and blocked the two evil beasts that were planning to apprehend him.

"Ha-ha! Why are you still dozing? Do you want Austin to steal all the glory? Join us and assist him!"

Peterson shouted at the other gods of light as he and Morphy chased the two ancient beasts.

"Right! Let's go!

Let's crush as many gods of darkness as we can!"

The gods of light came to their senses after being astonished by Austin's performance. They quickly joined Peterson and Morphy to face the other gods of darkness and creatures from the isolated alien spaces in battle.

"What are you waiting for?

Kill all those sons of bitches!" the thoroughly-odd beast roared in anger.

Its voice sent a huge shock wave that shook the space.

The gods of darkness and the creatures from the isolated alien spaces got their confidence back as they saw that the two ancient beasts were leading the assault against the gods of light. They rushed and screamed, fueled by an intense passion to kill.

"Austin! Ha-ha! You never failed to surprise us.

Good job on annihilating several of those annoying divine gods. Ha! They were running with their tails between their legs," Peterson snorted as he remembered how arrogant they just before Austin appeared.

"Thank you, Master Peterson. Well, I hope I didn't disappoint you with my comeback performance," Austin replied with a playful smile.

"Ha-ha! You, brat. Of course, you didn't. Did you see their faces? Even those two ugly beasts are fuming because of what you did!" Peterson replied, bursting out in laughter.

Then, Peterson switched his communication to Austin through the spiritual sense. "By the way, how was your trip to the Fallen Divine Valley?

I've heard of that place so many times but I don't really know what it's like inside it.


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