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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3530

Upon hearing the thoroughly-odd beast's order, the preliminary-grade divine gods of the god of darkness side and of the isolated alien spaces fled in the direction of their stronghold, their hearts drumming, chills creeping down their spines.

Austin had sent fear racing through them like a forest fire through dry leaves.

"You're not going anywhere!" Austin roared.

With that, he bounded after them, rage burning deep inside of him.

"Go get Austin. We can't let him hurt more our men,"

the thoroughly-odd beast and the fire-disaster beast bellowed, their voice filled with anxiety.

A lot of divine gods who worked for the god of darkness side had died at Austin's hands earlier that day. The thoroughly-odd beast had no intention of seeing more divine gods fall.

"You little bastard, don't be presumptuous!"

Several medium-grade divine gods of the god of darkness side rushed toward Austin, trying to block his way.

"Do you think you can get in my way, you weaklings?" Austin sneered at their feeble attempts, his loathing for their audacity leaking from his every word.

He dashed forward, his body a blur, a lightning strike that was near impossible to follow. Catching the medium-grade divine gods off guard, he changed his path, got past them, and went after those preliminary-grade divine gods who were fleeing.

At that moment, the gates of the Underworld Cosmos ripped open.

Ignoring the gates, Austin focused on hunting down his prey. They would not escape him. That, he swore.

Dark corpse miasma gushed from the gates, spreading in all directions.

Its foul stench choked the air.

Then, a crowd of people rushed from the gates.

A giant beast led them. That creature was none other than the devilish nether beast of the underworld.

A huge black coffin shot into the sky above the crowd. Its ominous form cast a long shadow.

Standing within the coffin, hands behind his back as if he were the master of the entire universe, was a man with eyes that could pierce a person's soul; eyes to give nightmares to a nightmare.

"Austin, give that Nether Picture for Deceiving Heaven back to me right now!" the man in the coffin shouted, voice as cold as a corpse.

He stared at Austin, eyes full of killing intent.

This man was Colby of the underworld.

On the day Austin was in the middle of completing the Apotheosizing Doom, Colby distracted him with nine Nether Pictures for Deceiving Heaven. As a result, Austin failed to break through to a divine god.

Later, Colby entrusted ten superior elders of the underworld with a Nether Picture for Deceiving Heaven so they could hunt down Austin.

Austin killed the ten superior elders.

He also took the Nether Picture for Deceiving Heaven.

Colby had nine Nether Pictures for Deceiving Heaven, but after he lost one of them, their powers had been greatly weakened. It was of the utmost importance to retrieve the lost Nether Picture for Deceiving Heaven. Colby's pride, his reputation, his power and his very place in the underworld depended upon it.

The voice and sight of Colby made Austin pause.

"There you are. I've been waiting for you!" Austin said, sneering.

He thought back to his failure to complete the Apotheosizing Doom because of Colby.

For cultivators, there was one thing they hated above all else. That was interference from other people which stopped the cultivator from reaching higher realms or breaking through the Heavenly Doom.

Even if Colby hadn't come to him, Austin would have went after Colby sooner or later. There was a debt to be paid. A debt written in blood. A debt that demanded blood. Colby's debt. And Austin would collect.

Now that the two enemies faced each other, they wouldn't let the other go. One of them would not walk away today.

"Ha-ha! Brat, your vital energy realm is still at the Divine Realm.

Well, let me guess." Colby touched his index finger to his lips and frowned, acting as if he was totally confused. He removed his finger, and his brows shot up as if he'd just had a revelation. "It must be because you were interrupted in the middle of your last Apotheosizing Doom that your vital energy foundation was damaged.

If you can't cure the internal injuries related to your vital energy foundation, it is almost impossible for you to turn into a divine god.

Unless you get some priceless natural resources or cultivate for an extremely long time."

Colby smiled slyly, a twinkle in his eye.

Noticing Austin's anger, Colby burst into laughter.

"Unfortunately, you will never have such a chance to become a divine god, because I will end your life myself right now."

Colby's own killing intent rose as he regarded Austin with murder in his eyes.

Then he stamped his foot on the coffin. The coffin shot toward Austin.

"Stop bluffing! You really think you can kill me? What a joke!

But now that we've met again, I will settle accounts with you today." Austin squared his shoulders and kept his chest up, showing he wasn't afraid.

He headed to Colby, who hurtled toward Austin while standing atop the coffin.

"Austin, be careful. He is a medium-grade divine god. You may not be his match!"

Peterson warned Austin, concern thick in his tone.


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