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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3675

"You need to stay put!

Cool you head and don't act on a whim!

Don't you get it? Our entire clan is no match for the army of the beast race. We ended up like this because we're too weak to go against them.

Besides, you are just preliminary-grade divine gods. What difference are you expecting to make if you go there? You'll just get yourselves killed!"

Ennis angrily shouted as he lectured Shepard and Austin.

"I get it! But my father is trapped there. I will not stand idly and watch him die! I will save him even if it costs my life," Shepard snapped.

He then immediately turned into a beam of light and flew away.

As he departed, Austin and Fletcher followed him closely.

"Damn it! He is so stubborn! I don't know what else to do with him."

Ennis was so furious that he stomped his feet on the ground.

"He's still young. I can't let him get himself killed," Ennis said as he looked at the direction where Shepard and the others had disappeared.

Before he went after Shepard, he told the other members of his clan to stay put in the hole and hide there for a while. After that, he quickly left and soared into the sky.

As they left the Galaxy World, Shepard, Austin, and Fletcher moved sneakily in the space.

They saw that a lot of members of the beast race were scattered. At the same time, they also saw several creatures on the run. It turned out that they were natives of the Black Cosmos.

The three unleashed their spiritual sense and detected the members of the beast race. They concealed their auras and made sure to make a detour when they spotted them. This way, they prevented confronting any member of the beast race until they reached their destination.

The only downside was it took them quite a while before they reached the place.

Finally, they stopped in front of a huge star.

They noticed that the spiritual energy was denser in this area, and there were brilliant laws that formed colorful lights surrounding the said star.

From the looks of it, it was obviously a lively and prosperous star.

However, due to the invasion of the beast race, the star was now engulfed in demonic auras, and the whole place was in a state of chaos.

They saw that there were several dead bodies scattered, and their blood made a shallow pool on the ground. There were fissures all over the land, and the sea flowed in reverse. The mountains collapsed, and the entire area was in total ruins.

Currently, several groups from the beast race occupied the star.

"Austin, this is the Wu Star. It is our clan's headquarters…

Those sons of bitches! How dare they turn such a beautiful place into this mess?!"

Shepard couldn't contain his emotion as he saw what had happened to the star in front of them.

Upon seeing that his hometown was utterly destroyed, he immediately went berserk. In his anger, blazing flames emerged from his body.

"Shepard, you need to calm down first. We are here to find your father.

Have you located his whereabouts?"

Austin gently reminded Shepard.

"Right. Give me a second."

Shepard tried to control his anger and widened the scope of his spiritual sense to look for his father on the Wu Star.

"I saw him! He is in our ancestral land right now.


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