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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3676

On the Wu Star, there was a premium-grade divine god, several medium-grade and dozens of preliminary-grade divine gods of the beast race. Right now, they were attacking the ancestral land of the Wu Clan.

'This is indeed a difficult situation. The beast race is such a formidable force.

They even sent out this many divine gods to invade a cosmos.

It's no wonder that they could easily conquer any race and cosmos whenever they want, '

Austin thought to himself as he pondered on their situation.

The Beast City was such a vast and powerful group.

Marlon's ambition to rule the entire Sea of Chaos was not going to be a farfetched dream if their dominance continued.

"Austin, what do you think we should do?"

This time, Shepard asked for Austin's opinion, hoping that he would agree with him on raiding the Wu Star.

"Yeah. Let's break in and save them."

Austin gave a brief and surprising answer.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you mad?!

You're telling us to just go directly where they are and face them head-on?

Where are you getting your confidence?

You too are just a young and arrogant lad!"

Ennis responded frantically after hearing what Austin said.

What ticked Ennis the most was that Austin said it in such a calm and worry-free manner. He couldn't think how Austin could be this cocky despite the seriousness of the situation.

"But aren't we too weak to handle them? How are we going to do that?"

Fletcher tried to stay calm even though he was also shocked at Austin's bold plan.


Now, even Shepard grew a bit hesitant. Even though he badly wanted to save his father, he didn't want to put his friends in a terrible situation.

"Don't worry, Shepard. You can trust me. I'll be sure to rescue them,"

Austin reassured him with a smile.

Since he had acquired the Chaotic Heaven Body, Austin had gotten better in several aspects. He was now wise enough to determine and gauge his own abilities.

Even if there was a premium-grade divine god among the enemies on the Wu Star, he was confident enough that he could handle them.

Upon saying that, Austin immediately left and led the way towards the Wu Star.

"All right. If Austin said not to worry, then I'm in! Let's break in together!"

With just the assurance from Austin, all of Shepard's doubts dissipated in an instant. Without hesitation, he strode forward to catch up with Austin.

Besides, he also saw the confidence in Austin's eyes. There was no hint of arrogance in them. Shepard knew for sure that Austin knew what he was doing.

"I believe in you, Leader Austin. If this is your decision, I will go with you."

Fletcher also made up his mind, gathered his courage, and set out towards the Wu Star.

"Stop right there!"


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