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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3733

"It's time. Let's move on,"

Austin said.

"But wait!

Austin, all the evil ice apes have evil cores.

They are a kind of chaotic diabolic beast with very high levels of strength. Their cores are precious treasures that should not be wasted.

Because you killed the nine apes, their evil cores belong to you. Go! Take them,"

Isis explained.


Evil cores?"

Austin reached out his hand toward the apes and gently waved.

Then, nine fist-sized cores emerged out of the shattered body parts of the apes and flew before him.


Austin couldn't believe his eyes!

It seemed that the nine cores contained traces of the original chaotic law of snow.

"Austin, the evil core of the evil ice ape improves physical fitness and is a great tonic.

If you are free, you may refine and slowly absorb them. No doubt your physical strength will be improved and brought to a higher level,"

Isis added with excitement.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Austin nodded, opened his mouth and swallowed all the nine evil cores.

Since the evil cores contained small amounts of the original chaotic law of snow, he would make it a point to absorb as much as he could.


The five ice ladies nearby turned pale with fright when they saw Austin had swallowed the nine evil cores all at once.

The evil ice apes was a kind of chaotic diabolic beast, and each of them equated to a medium-grade divine god!

Their cores contained notably terrifying energy of blood vitality.

Thus, to see Austin, who was just a preliminary-grade divine god, swallow all nine cores in one go was frightening to them.

As far as they knew, it was close to suicide.

"Austin, what are you doing? Spit them out this instant!

It takes us several days to refine a single one!

It's too dangerous for you to do that!"

Isis grew so anxious and her face was drained of all color. She couldn't help but shout urgently.

All of a sudden, the nine evil cores in Austin's body melted and released a terrifying amount of snow energy, like a great river that surged and flushed intensely within his body.

Austin looked around as he felt his energy meridians were constantly burst under the impact.

If any ordinary preliminary-grade divine god underwent this, he would have exploded and died right there and then.

However, Austin had the Chaotic Heaven Body. Even if his body was destroyed, he could be reborn with no trouble.

Therefore, the damage caused by the nine evil cores felt like nothing to Austin.

For a moment, he remained still and completely unharmed.

Meanwhile, the nine cores were all absorbed into him without fail.

'The original chaotic law of snow...'

Austin began comprehending the law.

Once he had successfully absorbed the nine cores, he found himself at a deeper understanding of the law.

'If I can absorb more evil cores, then I could probably learn more and more about the original chaotic law of snow!'

he thought to himself and couldn't help but smile.

"Come on. Let's get a move on!"

He grew excited to bump into more evil ice apes, so he leaped into the air and flew forward.

"How is that possible?"

Meanwhile, the five ice ladies still could not believe that Austin had just swallowed all nine cores without getting hurt.

They looked at him intently as he flew away, as if he were a monster in their eyes.

"Isis, you are right. Austin is indeed oddly exceptional,"

one of them whispered.

Austin, who was not too far away, darkened as he heard the murmur.

Eventually, the six of them continued to move forward.


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