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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3734

They then ventured forth to continue their journey.

A day later, they heard explosions that rocked them to the core.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Strong gusts of wind suddenly blew towards them as the land shook vigorously.

A sea of ice and snow swept up out of the blue.

In an instant, the whole world was completely covered in white while the ice tornado continued to rampage.

"Damn it! We've encountered an ice storm!"

The five ice ladies all shouted in unison.

"Everyone, stay together.

Be careful! There are ice ghosts hidden in the snow storm!

Try your best to avoid them!

We don't know what they might do if we provoke them!"

Aimee shouted.

She said this mainly to remind Austin.

The five ice ladies and Austin huddled together to try and remain warm.

Austin's heart skipped a beat when he smelled their breathtaking fragrance as their bodies came close to his.

The five ice ladies were all beautiful beyond comparison.

They swooned every male creature they encountered, regardless of race.

Everyone that was lucky enough to catch a whiff of them fought for their heart but to no avail.

Austin must be the luckiest guy ever to be this close to the stunning goddesses.

Many would kill just to be in his shoes right now!

However, this was not the time to enjoy the moment.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The violent winds of the snow storm swirled wildly around them and swept up the six people off their feet.

In a flash, the six were gone in the ravaging blizzard.

"Remember, don't split up.

Once an ice ghost attacks, we fight together.

Now, move forward quickly!

Let's try to escape this storm as soon as possible!"

Aimee said to the others in a grave tone.


The other four ice ladies nodded.

"Ice ghost..."

This was the first time Austin had heard of such things.

It seemed that there were some strange creatures living in the ice field that didn't exist in the outside world, like the evil ice apes they encountered before.

Out of the blue, a shrill scream came from the snow storm.

The ear-piercing sound forced everyone to cover their ears.

Then, amidst the cotton-white snow, Austin saw a pair of scarlet eyes looming in the distance.

Extremely evil.

Extremely ferocious.

And extremely vicious!

"An ice ghost is over there. Be careful!"

Panic struck Aimee's pretty face.

As the words left her mouth, all of a sudden, ice swords as sharp as razor encircled them.

They froze on their tracks while the tips of the swords aimed at them.

Swords appeared one after another, covering all angles where they could possibly escape.


Another scream was heard.


Without any warning, the sharp swords suddenly shot towards them.


Aimee shouted. The five ice ladies blocked the charging swords with their own.

The clang of swords filled the place in an instant.

They fought fiercely to try and keep the ice swords at bay.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

As if the attacks weren't enough, the snow began to roll around.

Huge snowballs barreled towards them, floating in the void.

The snowballs locked into their auras and were making their way towards them at breakneck speeds.

And then, a third scream was heard.

This time, tens of thousands of gigantic snowballs filled with violent ice and snow energy rolled towards them.

"Humph, you'll regret pissing me off!"

Austin took a step forward and threw a punch.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


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