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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3812

With the aid of his spiritual sense, Austin was able to locate Wilfred's whereabouts.

"Hmm, it looks like Wilfred is in trouble."

As he was about to walk up to Wilfred, he raised his eyebrows.

The strong demonic aura enveloped a square in the distance.

Inside the square were a horde of masters of the beast race.

One of them was forced to retreat to a corner of the square. His body was stricken with cuts and wounds and almost entirely covered in blood. He looked ferociously at the other masters of the beast race who were approaching him.

The seriously injured master of the beast race was Austin's slave, Wilfred.

"You've gone too far!

You even tried to steal my tokens even though you knew that I worked so hard to get them!

How could you Lawrence? How could you do this to me? I'm your own kind!"

Wilfred cried out as his eyes fumed in rage.

"Ha-ha! Stop playing dumb, Wilfred.

Let me ask you, who on earth is your slave?

That weakling has murdered so many genuine divine gods of our race. His hands are soaked with their blood.

Now that you are his master, you should pay his debt"

A master of the beast race approached Wilfred with a cruel smile.

It was none other than Lawrence.

At that moment, there were hundreds of genuine divine gods of the beast race on the square.

Among them was a middle-aged man in a green robe whose skin was covered in palm-sized green scales. His held his hands behind his back and looked very arrogant and indifferent.

He was a genuine premium-grade divine god.

He went by the name, Duke.

Austin had met him before.

"Sir, I think it is pretty obvious that Wilfred has turned his back against us. What a two-faced rat!

Otherwise, why would his slave lay a hand on our kind? This is unacceptable!

I think that we should arrest Wilfred first, and then torture him severely. We must get him to tell the truth and torture will be a good way to do that,"

Lawrence said to Duke.

"I have already found that something was wrong with the slave. So, okay. Let's capture him first."

Duke nodded in agreement.

"Ha-ha! Wilfred, Lord Duke has already given his orders. It is no use resisting so I advise you to stop," Weber said.

Lawrence and Weber, one on the left and the other on the right, drew closer to Wilfred.

"Don't talk nonsense! The two of you conspired to set me up. Admit it!

Lord Duke, I speak the truth. Please don't be fooled by them,"

Wilfred roared in frustration.

However, Duke simply ignored him.

"Ha-ha! Wilfred, no one will believe you.

You'd better surrender."

Lawrence, Weber and other masters of the beast race closed in on Wilfred, ready to attack him.

Wilfred was getting desperate.

'It's impossible for me to defeat so many masters all by myself, ' he thought in despair.

Then, he suddenly trembled slightly.

A look of surprise and delight appeared on his face.

He had had just received a message from Austin.

"Master, you are finally here!

If you were a minute later, I might never have had the chance to see you again,"

Wilfred eagerly communicated back to Austin through his spiritual sense.

"Ha-ha! Don't worry so much. You will be fine. I will make sure of it."

Austin's voice resounded within Wilfred's Soul Sea.

"Master, you must know that the situation here is not good.

Duke is here, together with hundreds of genuine divine gods.

Even if we work together, we still stand no chance against all of them,"


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