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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3813

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In an instant, Duke's big hand appeared above Wilfred's head, making the very space tremble until it disintegrated.

Even the illusions within the space exploded one after the other.

Duke's hand which was covered in a thick layer of green scales released terrifying demonic power. Tens of thousands of shadows bursts out of his hand, mixing according to some rules to create tens of thousands of demonic forbidden enchantments.

Sweat broke out of Wilfred's forehead as he was rendered frozen and unable to move.

Right when Duke was about to seize him, Austin instantly unleashed the law of illusion. Countless illusions gathered together and formed thousands of vortexes.

Each vortex rotated quickly, rushing forward to engulf Duke's hand.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Violent trembles wracked through the void.

All kinds of illusions constantly appeared and disappeared, while Duke's hand emitted tremendous amounts of demonic energy. Both Austin and Duke became stuck in a stalemate.

"Run now!"

Austin shouted at Wilfred.

It was only then did Wilfred realized that he could finally move freely. Without missing a beat, he activated his bodily movement skill and dashed towards Austin at full speed.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared next to Austin.

"Ha-ha! Old bastard, let's go at it at a different time."

With that, Austin waved his hand and wrapped his sleeve around Wilfred and the mermaid. All three of them instantly disappeared into the distance.

"There's nowhere to run!"

A furious Duke immediately went after them.

However, the maze was like Austin's home. With the illusions covering for him, Duke soon lost track of him.

"Something's wrong. None of this make any sense.

That slave is just an ordinary preliminary-grade divine god, how does he have such powers?

His spiritual sense is very powerful. He could even use the illusions to his advantage!"

Anger and confusion mixed within Duke.

"Humph! The slave dared to mess with me. He's dead meat!"

A murderous expression crept on Duke's face as he stared at the direction where Austin escaped.

With Austin's disappearance, all the vortexes of illusions on the square completely dissipated.

All the genuine medium-grade divine gods eventually came back to their senses.

"What happened, sir?"

"Why did we lose so many men?"

"Is Wilfred responsible for their death?

I didn't think he was capable to do that."

All the genuine medium-grade divine gods swarmed towards Duke with panicked questions.

"It wasn't Wilfred,"

Duke spat out.

"I knew it. Wilfred isn't that powerful,"

Lawrence immediately agreed.

"What on earth happened then?

Did the maze attack us?"

Weber gingerly questioned Duke.

"It was Wilfred's slave. He's behind all of this!" Duke bitterly stressed every syllable.

As soon as he mentioned Austin, anger blazed in his eyes. All the genuine medium-grade divine gods around him shuddered in fear at his expression.

"What did you say?"

When they heard Duke's explanation, all the other members of the beast race were completely dumbfounded.

"Wilfred's slave did all this? How is that even possible?"

Almost all the masters of the beast race exploded with demands and questions at the same time.

"That slave is just an ordinary preliminary-grade divine god. How could he manage to hurt our men?"

None of them could believe that.

"Do you think I'd lie to you?"

Duke glared at the masters, fury evident in his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, the other masters of the beast race calmed down from their shock.

'Lord Duke has no reason to make up lies, ' they thought to themselves.

"An ordinary preliminary-grade divine god was capable of doing this. This is unbelievable!

Something's suspicious."

"That doesn't make any sense. How did a weakling manage to take out our men?"

All the masters of the beast race racked their brains in an attempt to figure out how Austin brought down their companions.

Suddenly, something occurred to Weber.

"Sir, I suspect that that slave must have obtained a very high-grade magic treasure in this maze.

Think about it. We're in the Land of Outlaw.

It's filled with both danger and opportunity.

Illusions can be seen everywhere.

It's highly possible that some high-grade magic treasure related to illusions could be found here.

That slave was lucky enough to get his hands on one of them.

If we consider that, it can explain why he can control the maze's illusions,"

Weber drew closer to Duke and whispered against his ear.

"What? !"

Duke shuddered as his eyes flashed with excitement.

"For now, mobilize all our men to track down that slave.


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