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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3988

The supreme universe was very mysterious, considered a legend to the creatures of the Sea of Chaos.

Austin had no idea that the middle-aged man in front of him was from a supreme universe.

"My master had ruled the Sword Cosmos for countless years, and we lived a prosperous and carefree life.

However, after some time, something unexpected happened.

One day, out of nowhere, a mysterious cave appeared in the Sword Cosmos.

The entrance to this cave was full of all kinds of abnormal visions.

Even my master couldn't see through the cave.

Later, out of curiosity and badly wanting to explore inside, he entered the cave.

But unfortunately, to this day, he has never returned.

In order to find him, my three eldest senior comrades risked going inside the cave.

And like my master, they have never returned either.

Only the two of us remained to oversee and take care of everything in the Sword Cosmos.

Later, the only remaining senior comrade of mine also took the risk and entered the cave. As expected, he disappeared and was never seen again.

Because of this, I was the only one left in the Sword Cosmos to preside over the affairs of the entire cosmos.

The news of their disappearance had never been announced to the public, because I couldn't allow the others to know that my master had disappeared. He was the only one who could keep everything under control. There would be chaos if anyone found out that he was gone.

In effect, everyone in the Sword Cosmos thought that my master and four seniors were merely cultivating in seclusion.

Then after another several million years, suddenly, news spread in the Sword Cosmos that my master and his four disciples had died.

After the news got out and spread like wildfire, none of the sects and clans listened to my orders anymore. Instead, they began to create trouble and fight against each other for leadership and dominance of the cosmos.

Several powerful sects even joined forces to gather a large number of people and organize some sort of mutiny to challenge my ruling authority.

Fortunately, I was able to lead my master's remaining subordinates to fight against them.

Because of this, the Sword Cosmos fell into complete chaos, with wars and battles erupting everywhere.

At one point, several big clans colluded with other powerful clans from other supreme cosmoses and invaded the Sword Cosmos.

The Sword Cosmos was already a mess at that time and was unable to deal with the invasion of other supreme cosmoses. Not surprisingly, it was easily defeated.

I was also besieged by a large number of masters and I was seriously injured.

It was then that I knew, we couldn't win. So with a heavy heart, I sent out one of my spiritual avatars to the Ice Palace along with the Ice Sword Cosmos to hide."

The middle-aged man told Austin his background in detail.

It was evident in his melancholic eyes that recalling the past for him was very painful.

"I see. Thank you for sharing your story,"

Austin murmured as he learned everything he needed to know.

He didn't expect that a once prosperous supreme cosmos would spiral into such turmoil.

"Sir, let me know. Do you want me to avenge you?"

he asked.


Young man, to be honest, although you seem to be extremely talented, I know that it's almost impossible for you to avenge me.

When this avatar of mine left the Sword Cosmos, I was in a hurry.

It was too late! I did not have time to take away the spiritual tablets of my master and the four other seniors.

They are very important to me.

Before my master and four seniors set out for the cave, they all left a spiritual soul mark on the tablets.

So, if it is possible for you to go to the Sword Cosmos in the future and help me bring back the tablets, I would deeply appreciate it,"

the middle-aged man said.

"Sir, I am sure that you are stronger than me.

Why don't you go yourself?"

Austin asked in confusion.

"It's quite impossible for me to go back. My enemies are too familiar with the aura of my spiritual soul. As soon as I return, they will be able to detect my presence and there is no way that I would be able to avoid them.

What's more, when this spiritual avatar escaped from the Sword Cosmos, it was almost completely destroyed. I could only use the sword auras left by the dead sword cultivators in this shrine to gradually heal myself.

The moment I leave this place, it won't be long before this spiritual avatar will dissipate,"

the middle-aged man replied.


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