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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 3989

"Austin must still be cultivating in seclusion someplace else.

It looks like we'll need to help them."

The twelve animals discussed the situation with one another through their spiritual sense.

Then, all of a sudden, Austin's voice resounded in their Soul Seas at the same time.

He knew that they might be worried because he was not present.

"Sirs, you don't need to do anything. The situation is still controllable.

Let my slaves and the alliance deal with this."

"Fine. If you say so."

The twelve animals quickly agreed upon knowing that Austin was also aware of what was happening.

"Austin! Get out! Don't be a coward!"

A deafening roar came from outside the Ice Palace.

It also contained an overwhelming murderous will that shook the chaotic void for hundreds of millions of miles.

"How dare these arrogant bastards?!"

"Why don't we go out and attack them before they break in?"

Austin's genuine divine god slaves grew impatient upon hearing the taunts of their enemies outside.

As a matter of fact, Austin's slaves were much stronger than the entire allied army.

Although there were also a lot of divine gods among the troops of the alliance, all of them were just ordinary divine gods.

On the other hand, about a third of Austin's divine god slaves were genuine divine gods.

Moreover, some of them were genuine premium-grade ones, and each one of them was remarkably powerful.

As long as there were no semi-governing gods and governing gods among the enemy troops, they would not be defeated.

This time, there wasn't a semi-governing god or governing god among the troops of the six super forces; thus they didn't take this attack as a threat.

"You're right. It's much easier that way! They are just a bunch of weaklings. How dare they demand our master to face them and put on airs in front of us? Let's go and teach them a lesson!"

"No one should get away from undermining our master! Let's crush them all!"

Extremely fired up, Austin's genuine premium-grade divine gods immediately strode towards the entrance of the Ice Palace.

"Come on, guys! We need to take action too!

We can't let them look down on us just because our leader isn't here! Show them the might of our alliance!"

The senior leaders of the alliance also dashed towards the entrance of the Ice Palace with their people.

With the combined forces of the alliance's troops and Austin's divine god slaves, they were already strong enough to fight on equal footing with the six super forces.

Soon after, all of the members of the alliance got out of the Ice Palace and built their formation in the chaotic void.

They stared at the troops of the six super forces without a hint of fear in their eyes.

On the other side, the armies of the Beast City, the Demon City, the Divine Corpse Palace, the underworld, the Novel Court, and the Annihilation Mountain surrounded them and stared back at them with oozing murderous intents.

Just by looking at this scene, one would expect that a major fierce battle would ensue the moment they started attacking one another.

Then, an old creature with red skin stepped forward. Apparently, he was from the Beast City.

"Didn't you hear us? Where is Austin? Why won't he show his face? Is he afraid of us that he's hiding behind his army?!" he said in a condescending voice.

Just the waves of his voice caused the void to tremble. He was one of the genuine premium-grade divine gods of the Beast City.

"Shut the hell up! Don't even mention my master's name with that filthy mouth of yours!"

"Our master doesn't need to waste his time dealing with useless pieces of crap like you!"

Austin's genuine divine god slaves became more agitated upon hearing the old creature's insults.

One of them even went out of the crowd. He was one of Austin's genuine premium-grade divine god slaves.

"Old man, you will pay the price of insulting our master! I'll send you straight to hell!" he yelled while pointing a finger at the old creature from the Beast City.

"Carmine! What do you think you're doing? You are from the demon race! Why the hell would you accept that human brat as your master? Wake up!"

The old creature with red skin was exasperated to see him on the other side of the battlefield.

It turned out that this divine god slave was a member of the demon race before.

Then, another tall creature from the demon race stepped out and approached the old creature with red skin.

"Jules! Don't waste your time. You won't be able to reason with him. He's already been affected by Austin's Puppet Strings. His spiritual soul is being controlled!

He won't listen to us whatever you say to him.

The only way we could bring him back to his senses is if we could take Austin out,"

the tall demon said while shaking his head.

"I know. But it's just vexing to watch that he's being used by the enemy!

Almost all of the super forces have a large number of divine gods that have been converted into Austin's slaves because of the Puppet Strings.

If we don't get rid of Austin, we won't be able to live in peace!"

Jules clenched his fists in rage.

"That's right. We must destroy Austin this time! He has done so many unforgivable crimes!"

Several masters from other super forces also stepped forward and expressed their disdain towards Austin.

"How dare you all speak ill of our master?! You deserve to die!"


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