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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4017

"You want me to get you out of here?"

Austin was a little surprised at Princess Esther's request.

"Yes, I do.

I know that you are stronger than my master.

If you agree to help me get my revenge in the future, I promise to serve you and let you do anything to me,"

Princess Esther said straightforwardly without feeling a hint of embarrassment.

Austin was rendered speechless at what he just heard, for he didn't expect her to say something like that.

"Okay, I can easily get you out. As for other things that you have said, we'll talk about them later."

He didn't confirm that he liked the idea of having her as his maid.

"Anyway, let's get going. Prince Amit will find you sooner or later, if we remain in one place for too long.

Right now all the members of the shadow race and the human race in the Elf Cosmos will be interrogated and examined,"

Princess Esther suggested.

"You have a good point. Okay, let's go."

Austin couldn't wait to reach the Spirit Cosmos.

Princes Esther collected her belongings and walked towards the main door of the mansion together with Austin.

Austin had already sent his slaves from the shadow race into the continent that he had made.

As soon as the two of them stepped out of the mansion, a squad of people dashed towards them and blocked their way.

"Stop right there!" one of them said.

"How dare you stop me, you lowly guards?!

Who are you? And what position do you hold among your ranks? What makes you think that you could get in my way?"

Princes Esther scolded them, simmering with anger and showing her feisty attitude.

"Princes Esther, you do not know us but we work for Prince Amit.

He has given the order that all human beings in the Elf Cosmos must be interrogated," one of them explained as he bowed to the princess.

The group of people, then turned to look at Austin.

"He is my distinguished guest. None of you have the right to investigate him.

You may all leave now,"

Princes Esther said coldly.

"Princess Esther, this is the prince's order. Please don't make things difficult for us,"

the leader of the squad pleaded.

"How dare you?

What gives you the right to look into my friend? Do you have a death wish?"

Princes Esther flew into a rage.

"Princess Esther, we are just doing our job," the one in charge answered.

Although he acted in a respectful manner, he didn't yield. Instead, he ordered his men to surround Princess Esther and Austin more closely.

"No need to waste time talking to him.

He has already informed the prince.

And the prince is on his way here,"

Austin said to Princess Esther.

"Huh? How did you know?"

the captain asked, looking very rattled and angry.

He didn't dare to offend Princess Esther either, so he secretly sent a message to Prince Amit just now, without anyone noticing.

Prince Amit was the Elf King's son, and his rank was one of the highest, next to his father in the Elf Cosmos.

"We need to leave now. Let's run!"

Princess Esther's face turned pale with fright.

"Okay, but before we leave, let me take care of them first,"

Austin said.

The next moment, he used the Secret Reincarnation Skill, which rendered the whole squad immobile.

Then he summoned a sword, and instantly crushed them into powder with it.

"Okay, I'm done. Now, let's get out of here!"

With that, Austin waved his sleeve and quickly disappeared with Princess Esther.

A few seconds later, the two of them arrived at one of the massive teleportation arrays in the Elf Cosmos.

"Greetings, Princess Esther! You have come!"

The members of the elf race who were responsible for guarding the array both bowed respectfully toward the princess.

They were unhappy with Princes Esther's behavior, hitting on young men and seducing them.

However, they couldn't afford to displease her. After all, she was a princess in the elf race, holding a noble status.

"Get the teleportation array working right now. I'm going to the Spirit Cosmos."

Princess Esther got straight to the point as she gave out her orders.

"Princess Esther..."

The members of the elf race had a very hesitant expression on their faces.

As a matter of fact, the Elf King had given orders to those whose job was to protect the teleportation arrays secretly. He ordered them to watch Princess Esther's every move, and once she intended to leave the Elf Cosmos, they must fill him in.

"Do you have trouble understanding what I said?

Activate the teleportation array right now. I'm going to the territory of the spiritual race! How hard was that to understand?"


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