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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4018

Standing in the Spirit Cosmos, Austin couldn't help but marvel at his surroundings.

"The law of spiritual soul here is so dazzling and pure!" he remarked in awe.

Unlike in other places, the law of spiritual soul was spread out everywhere in the Spirit Cosmos like colorful ribbons.

Even the energy here was mainly the spiritual soul energy.

With these properties, the Spirit Cosmos was no doubt the most suitable place for the survival and cultivation of the spiritual race.

It was a favorable environment for Austin as well, since he could improve his spiritual sense if he cultivated here.

As he looked around, he found that there were all kinds of creatures and races living in the Spirit Cosmos. They were flitting around like birds, making the whole space look very lively and creating a false sense of freedom.

After all, Austin knew that most of the creatures in the Spirit Cosmos were slaves of the spiritual race.

The spiritual race frequently took the souls of other living creatures, leaving only empty shells behind.

"Be careful. Any of the creatures here could be a member of the spiritual race,"

Esther said to Austin through spiritual sense. She seemed to be on edge, her eyes constantly darting around to sense any potential danger.

On the other hand, Austin stood there calmly with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry. I'm very familiar with the spiritual race," he replied.

As a matter of fact, he owned a spiritual tree and a spiritual dragon. Moreover, he had practiced the secret method of the Puppet Strings, which was a technique that belonged to the spiritual race. Naturally, he was very familiar with the spiritual race.

The Spirit Cosmos was an enormous place that spanned over several stars and planets, so Austin and Esther walked for a long time, just observing their surroundings.

Along the way, they hardly encountered any member of the spiritual race. On the contrary, they saw a lot of creatures from other races everywhere.

"The spiritual race is a very strange race. They prefer to hide in the dark rather than show up in public,"

Esther explained to Austin.

"Yes, I understand."

Austin nodded in acknowledgment.

He released his spiritual sense to look for the divine gods of the spiritual race, but didn't manage to obtain any useful information.

Of course, he had already expected this. Divine gods were superior to the rest of their race, so they tended to be more secretive and would rarely show up in public.

"What are you looking for?

Tell me. Maybe I can help.

When I was a child, I often came here with my father. My father and the chief of the spiritual race go way back.

All in all, I'm quite familiar with the Spirit Cosmos,"

Esther said, noticing that Austin seemed to be looking for something.

"I'm looking for the divine gods of the spiritual race,"

Austin replied, feeling a hint of appreciation in his mind. Esther was proving to be much more useful than he had originally expected her to be.

"Then you should go to the spiritual capital. That's where most of the divine gods reside,"

Esther said.

"The spiritual capital?" Austin echoed. He had actually heard of such a place before, but it had been too long and he wasn't quite sure about this anymore.

"Yes, that's where the headquarters of the spiritual race is.

So naturally, that's where the divine gods stay,"

Esther explained.

Austin nodded in understanding. No wonder they hadn't come across many members of the spiritual race, let alone a divine god.

"I see. Then that's where we will heading," he said. The two of them quickly made their way to the spiritual capital.

Half a day later, they arrived at a huge city.

Austin almost felt as if he had gone back in time. The city looked ancient but formidable, shrouded in strong spiritual soul energy and displaying all kinds of runes that were related to the civilization of the spiritual race.

Now that he was standing in front of the gate of the capital city, he could finally sense the masters of the spiritual race.

He saw several gray spiritual souls enter and exit the gate with his own eyes.

These gray spiritual souls had extremely unstable forms, and were constantly twisting around and changing in shape.

These were the real bodies of the members of the spiritual race.

They exuded a cold, evil, and violent aura.

A few of them sensed a foreign presence and immediately turned to Austin and Esther.

"Hey, look, there is a girl from the elf race and a human boy," one of them exclaimed. The members of the spiritual race were more curious about the girl. After all, the elf race was almost on par with them.

As the headquarters of the spiritual race, the spiritual capital was heavily guarded. Only the members of the spiritual race could come and go as they pleased.

If creatures from other races wanted to enter the city, they would have to be closely inspected before being allowed to go inside.

However, such visitors weren't common. Naturally, the guards at the city gate couldn't help but regard Austin and Esther with suspicion.

"If we want to enter the spiritual capital, we must make up an identity,"

Esther said to Austin through spiritual sense.

Usually, Austin would agree. But in this case, he was a little confused.

"How about we just reveal your identity as the princess of the elf race?"

he asked, frowning.


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