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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4100

However, the two bronze gates didn't move at all, not one inch.

"It didn't work."

Austin shook his head in disappointment.

The gates were incredibly sturdy.

No matter how much force Austin exerted, the gates wouldn't break open.

"Just give up. It's a lost cause.

There's no chance the gates of a supreme universe could be broken so easily anyway.

It would be a mess in that case,"

the sky-devouring dog sighed.

Austin also sighed in return. He fell silent, pondering on the situation. After much thought, he finally said, "You're right.

There's nothing we can do at this point but to wait and see.

I have a feeling that there must be some changes soon, considering the gates of numerous supreme universes are now suddenly revealed.

Sooner or later, we might be able to find out what it is."

His voice was firm but his brows were knitted in worry.

He then wasted no time and returned to the Fallen Immortal Cosmos.

He skipped visiting Yannick

because he had no idea how to explain the situation to him.

He had promised Yannick that he would bring Stacy back. But now, he was afraid that Stacy might have entered the supreme universe.

Austin entered the secret room for cultivation.

"I'm still not strong enough.

I wouldn't be able to win against a governing god.

Only the governing gods are the true rulers of the Sea of Chaos.

So I have to become stronger,"

Austin murmured to himself.

He then began to cultivate in seclusion.

At the moment, he was a genuine medium-grade divine god.

His next goal was to become a genuine premium-grade divine god.

Austin felt that he had accumulated enough practice and comprehension of laws.

He had especially gained a lot during the time he fought the governing god of the underworld.

Although Austin wasn't a governing god himself, no one at his level could fight a governing god like he did in the entire Sea of Chaos.

In that battle, he was able to open his eyes and saw everything through a whole different lens. He was enlightened, in a way.

He fought against his strong opponent with invincible fighting will and made rapid progress.

It was the kind of progress that wasn't limited only to secret techniques and war skills, but also branched out to all other aspects of being alive—will, courage, determination, and much more. It had sublimated the battle to the extreme, surpassing techniques and methods.

It was a huge progress in the psychological notion.

For the real masters in the Sea of Chaos, it was the most important and precious thing.

Austin initially thought he wouldn't have a chance to break through so soon,

but the battle with that governing god allowed him to take a big step forward in his cultivation.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Not long after Austin started his cultivation in seclusion, he encountered the Thunderstroke Doom.

"I can't avoid the Thunderstroke Doom here.

It's too powerful. It'll destroy the Fallen Immortal Cosmos!"

Austin then strode out of the secret room and headed towards a void near the three thousand big and small universes where he could safely avoid the Thunderstroke Doom.

He sat cross-legged in the middle of the chaotic void.

Thunder and lightning violently thrashed over Austin's head, threatening the destruction of everything.

A day passed

and the Thunderstroke Doom came to an end.

Austin stretched out his hand and utilized the brilliant law of space to create a small independent space in the chaotic void.

He entered this small space for cultivation

and soon enough, he encountered several Thunderstroke Dooms, one after another.

One day,

Austin was cultivating in the small space,

when all of a sudden,

he flipped his palm

and a jade slip appeared on it.

"Please come to discuss the strategy on how we'll deal with Ronnie,"

a voice from the jade slip implored.

The voice also provided the spatial coordinates where they would meet.

Not too long ago, a mysterious governing god invited Austin to join him in dealing with Ronnie.

Now, the message finally came.

After giving it some thought, Austin ended his cultivation in seclusion and returned to the three thousand big and small universes.


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