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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 4101

"Well, everyone, our purpose is truly clear.

We just have to deal with Ronnie immediately,"

a figure shrouded in the green mist of law power said slowly.

"I've already conducted a detailed investigation on him.

It seems that Ronnie's quick ascent has something to do with the Land of Outlaw.

Before entering the Land of Outlaw, he was just an ordinary elder in the Annihilation Mountain, a merely genuine premium-grade divine god. He was totally weak.

Killing him was as easy as blowing dust away and all of you can definitely do it."

The green figure mischievously sneered.

"However, he had completely changed after he left the Land of Outlaw.

He cultivated in seclusion for a while and then he suddenly became a governing god after that. The reason behind this is still unknown to this day.

After a while he challenged Atticus, the former leader of the Annihilation Mountain. The fight was fierce but Ronnie won.

His rise to the top doesn't make any sense. It was too quick and no one before him has ever done that.

However, that doesn’t stop there. Not too long ago, his strength advanced again that he even defeated the leader of the Novel Court.

Everybody knows that the leader of the Novel Court has been a governing god in the Sea of Chaos for such a long time.

No matter how talented Ronnie is, it's impossible for him to progress this rapidly.

What's even more shockingly intriguing is that the strength of Atticus and Chapman from the Heaven Beast Valley, have also greatly advanced after they surrendered to Ronnie.

All these show that Ronnie is extremely peculiar.

If we let him continue to develop like this, I’m guessing no one in the Sea of Chaos can defeat him in the future,"

the green figure explained the situation in detail. He was really determined when analyzing every detail of Ronnie and his strangely rapid progress.

Austin and the twelve zodiac animals exchanged looks with each other.

What he just explained was exactly the same as Austin's guess.

"Yes. I agree.

I think so too."

"Ronnie's rise is so fantastic but terrifying at the same time.

I have a hunch that if we don't put an end to this now, he will definitely suppress us sooner or later.

He might even force us to work for him like what he did to Atticus and Chapman.

If that happens, our remaining days will be tough."

Another figure shrouded in the golden mist also nodded and deeply sighed.

"Yes, I completely agree with you."

"You’re right,"

the other governing gods responded and nodded in agreement.

"So, from now on, we must all work together to deal with Ronnie. We must eliminate him for the sake of the entire Sea of Chaos!"

the green figure uttered loudly and gritted his teeth.

"Yes, let's all work together to beat him!"

the other governing gods deafeningly roared in agreement.

"I wonder if anyone of you has noticed.

The three of them seemed to entirely disappear.

They haven’t made any move for a while now.

My guess is that they are cultivating in seclusion.

Ronnie particularly must have been cultivating some secret skills that he can use to deal with us.

I suggest that we should take this opportunity to sneak into the Annihilation Mountain to ambush them. We must launch a sudden strike to finally kill Ronnie.

All people present here today are the top masters in the Sea of Chaos. I think if we work collectively, we can definitely kill him no matter how powerful he is.

This is my suggested course of action. Does everyone agree with my plan?"

the green figure announced his plan and asked the others' opinions.

The other governing gods all agreed to his suggestion

after deeply thinking about it for a while.

After all, the primary goal of their meeting here was to find a way to deal with Ronnie. Hence, there was nothing to be afraid of.

"So, it’s decided then. In that case, I'll immediately send someone to find out where Ronnie is cultivating now.

Then we'll sneak into the Annihilation Mountain and ambush him,"

the green figure finally concluded.

"Everyone can rest here.


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