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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 411

And yes, today, your victory also depends on your fortune. If you are assigned a strong opponent, you may be eliminated quickly. If you are assigned with a weak man, you can get promoted easily.

So, the last round is a competition of both strength and fortune!

It is entirely possible that on some battle rings, the competitors are acquaintances or even old friends. And since there is a chance that they will cooperate with each other and delay until 24 others are eliminated, in order to avoid such a situation, the last round of the competition will only last for an hour. If 24 competitors haven't been eliminated after an hour, everyone will draw lots at the end which will determine who gets a chance to enter the Mysterious Nether World.

So, everyone, don't restrain your strength. If you have to draw lots to decide whether you will be promoted or not, your future will depend entirely on your fortune. No matter how strong you are, there is a chance that you will be eliminated when you draw lots.

Now, let's start our competition now."

'The competition is only going to last for an hour. After an hour, if we don't defeat 24 competitors, the final team to enter into the Mysterious Nether World will be decided on chance entirely?' Everyone was going over the idea carefully.

As soon as the old eunuch finished his words, all the competitors' number plates lit up. They were going to be teleported.

Lights suddenly flashed in the arena. A stream of spatial teleportation power suddenly sent the 74 competitors to the 37 battle rings in a moment.

Before they could recover, the fight was on!

Everyone started their battle with fierce attacks as soon as they saw their opponent.

As the competition had reached its final knockout phase, each of the remaining 74 competitors was as strong as the other which meant the fights were going to be fierce. Furthermore, no one wanted to go to the drawing lots phase, especially those who were stronger than their opponents.

Deciding that drawing lots was simply a way of depending on fortune and had nothing to do with true strength, the cultivators weren't too keen on the idea. Also, if those who were stronger than their opponents got eliminated by the drawing of lots, it was going to be terrible result for them.

"Oh my god! My opponent is Leo!" I am definitely finished this time."

A competitor screamed out in despair from one of the battle rings.

As soon as Leo, a disciple of the Peripatetic Sect, arrived in the battle ring, he launched his unique skill. His eyes were littered with a blood-red luster like demons and nine blood-red fists loomed over his head, crawling with an overwhelming murderous look. On each of these fists, there was a fierce-looking devil's face, with its bloodthirsty eyes staring at the opponent. Dark clouds curled up around the battle ring, which showed that the devil's spirit was extremely strong.

"Go to hell!" Leo shouted.

Five blood-red fists broke the space and tour the sky, and then bounced on his opponent. The demons on the five fists bounced out with a ruthless and bloodthirsty eagerness that could not have been dodged. Leo's opponent was so frightened that his fighting will had already gone.


The five fists bounced at the young competitor, his body turned into a blood-colored fog and finally disappeared into thin air.

Leo was the first one to finish the fighting and eliminate his opponent with his overwhelming strength.


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